Everyone Loves Waverly

I should’ve put some pictures on yesterdays post but its Christmas and I’m not 110% awake or alert. Don’t judge me.

In the talks of grieving our losses over the holidays, I wanted to zero back in on the victories. I’m sure you’ve heard me say it time and time again, but bringing our Waverly home felt victorious! She is sweet as pie, and continues to be SO pleasant as the weeks and months roll on. I think she’s as happy to be in our family as we are to have her in it! The kids are SO pleased with their sister!

I’m planning a bit of a recap post for the last day of the year, like I usually do. Spoiler alert: Its been a weird one. LOTS of struggles, LOTS of grief, LOTS of anxiety, with some solid identity crisis mixed in. Welcoming this little girl was the light right smack dab in the middle of it all, and I’m SO thankful to the Lord that we could add her to our family this year.

Speaking of that particular morsel, she’s asleep, and the others are up and breakfasting. I’m upstairs blogging. Time to go get my hands on those 4/5!! Have a great day, friends!

I Wonder How Hard I Struggled

Some reminiscing this morning got me thinking about the vibe I was feeling last Christmas. I remember how was such a hard season for me. I was so grateful to be pregnant, and at the same time SO scared that it would all end in shambles again, for the third time in a row. I looked back on the blog and last year, on December 27th, was my very first prenatal appointment for Waverly. Dr. Guselle wasn’t originally booked in between Christmas and New Years, but had figured she should come into the office at least once, so she booked me on her one day in there, so we could listen to the heartbeat together, and I could have some semblance of reassurance during the holidays.

A friend asked me the other day how I survived a Christmas in grief. I told her that I just survived. I let myself be sad, and scared, and kind of simply went through the motions. It hadn’t really felt like Christmas. In reading back, I see my efforts to stay positive and hopeful, and I was reminding myself not to look too far ahead, and to be thankful for each day that I carried that precious baby in my womb. I was trying to be SO brave, but it was all a facade. I was freaked.

As you likely know if you’ve been here for any length of time, that beautiful baby carried through and has been home with us now for almost SIX MONTHS!!!

The feelings from last Christmas – the fears I carried – are still present in me to a degree. I’m imperfect, thats for sure, and its hard to let go of all the fear and pain. Christmas is stereotypically this light hearted, happy time for people, but I wonder what the percentage of the world would be of people who actually struggle way harder during this season. Grief is thicker at Christmas, I can speak for that, as can some of my closest friends.

Whether they’re folded over in pain and suffering, or joyfully celebrating and free of worries, don’t forget about your people, and your people’s people.


Jamin and Theo, WOW how I miss you these days. I haven’t forgotten you, and wish I could know how either of you would’ve added to our family dynamic. Your siblings have been mentioning you here and there, too. You have stockings on our tree this year 🙂 Its fun here, but I know its better there. Enjoy your party!! We’ll catch you boys later.

Brady’s Christmas Gift

I gave Brady his Christmas gift early this year. I bought him, for lack of a better title, a beer advent calendar, or as Sask Liquor would call it, an “Alpine Adventure Pack.” Its a box of 24 different beer from two different breweries out of Surrey, BC. There are 24 perforated little openings, numbered in order of how they’re to be consumed. Half bottles, half cans. I’ve had my eye out for something like this for a couple of years now, and this was the year I actually found one! Full disclosure, it was $80, which felt like a lot to drop on a gift he’d drink away, but for 24 beer, it wasn’t a bad value. Plus he’d have the month to enjoy it. 

This post won’t be everyones cup of tea (or bottle of beer, I guess) but when I was on the hunt for his gift, I found NO reviews or information about it! So this might not seem important now, but I’m making the post so someone down the road will maybe find some info on the quality and variety of this as a gift. Feel free to click out if you don’t care, haha! No offence taken. 

Here are the details, as noted by Brady along the way!

1. Red Racer, No Friends on a Powder Day, vanilla stout – 2/5

Good for a stout, but I don’t really like stout
Not very vanilla-y
Kind of a rough start

2. Parallel 49, PILS Dryhopped Pilsner – 5/5 treat beer

Nice citrus, Shock Top-esque but less citrus
Hailey’s notes: He gushed about this one aaaaall evening. Wanted a second one.

3. Red Racer, Fireside Warmth, Spiced Apple Honey – 3/5

Standard beer with spiced aftertaste
Flavor made better by eating sweets besides

4. Parallel 49, Frosted Tips, IPA – 5/5

Similar to radler, comparable to beer #2

5. Red Racer, Idiot Strings Cranberry Chili – 2/5

Super weird on its own
Tastes more cranberry-y when eaten with sweets
Too many flavours, needs less things. JUST cranberry would be yummy.

6. Parallel 49, Naked Scotsman, chocolate and coffee scotch ale – 4/5 with food

Like a lighter stout

7. Red Racer, Tea Bar – 5/5

Standard beer, fuller flavour
Could be an every day beer

8. Parallel 49, Ugly Sweater, Milk Stout – 4/5

Surprisingly light for a stout
Hint of rye and coke, somehow?
Smooth and delicious

9. Red Racer, Summit Speak Easy, extreme pale ale – 3/5

Nice flavor, stronger
Notes of whiskey
A little odd at first but easy to get used to

10. Parallel 49, Sahti Claus – 5/5

Fruity and delicious
Citrusy and crisp

11. Red Racer, Frozen Ghost, American Barley Wine – 3/5

Very flavourful and strong
Too many hops by the end
A bit winey
Surprisingly wonderful aftertaste

12. Parallel 49, Mr. Needles, pine pale ale – 3/5

Tree taste, went away after a few sips
Interesting taste, like a normal beer plus a tree

13. Red Racer, Wine in a Treewell – 4/5

Smooth, easy to drink
Bit of a wine taste

14. Parallel 49, Schwarzwald, Black Forest Porter – 3/5

Good dessert beer
Chocolate cake in a bottle
Haileys notes: I REALLY liked this one! Think chocolate cake and cherry liqueur. 

15. Red Racer, Liftie Southern Session Ale – 1/5

Yummy radler-type smell
Prominent grease/metal taste
Hard to finish

16. Parallel 49, Humphrey Biere De Garde – 4/5

Its good. I like it.

17. Red Racer, Sky Bunny, Dirty Blonde Ale – 4/5

Slightly more flavourful Coors light
Crisp and refreshing

18. Parallel 49, Rock the Bells, Cranberry Sour Ale – 5/5 weird beer

Beeresque cider
Yummiras drank 5/5 (Haileys notes: Its possible this one was strong?? Lol!)

19. Red Racer Treeline Campfire Juniper Smoked Farmhouse Ale – 3/5

Smells like a Christmas tree
Yummy basic beer
Hint of evergreen and campfire

20. Parallel 49, Megalomania Spiced Saison – 4/5

Smooth with a burger

21. Red Racer, Shred the Gnar, Salted Caramel Coconut Ale – 3/5

Hint of coconut
So sense of salted caramel
Basic beer

22. Parallel 49, Oak Boy, Brown Ale – 4/5

Strong flavourful beer
Good with pizza 
No odd flavours, blended well

23. Red Racer, Gelandesprung – 4/5

Flavourful, pretty typical German beer
Kinda caramelly
Nothing stood out, a good beer

24. Parallel 49, Night Flyer, cappuccino milk stout – 5/5 for a stout, maybe overall

Definite hint of coffee
Signature stout taste, not bad for a stout

Thats a wrap, folks! Here’s Brady’s take on the Alpine Adventure Pack.

“Most enjoyable advent calendar I’ve ever had, bar none! Would definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys beer. I’m one who sticks to what I know, but this kind of helped me sample around. Some of it was really weird. Some of it was really good! It helped me know there are other kinds of beer I might light. Like milk stouts! Ya. It was really enjoyable. I’d definitely do it again if they made a new one for next year! It made having a beer every night for the month of December really interesting. Reviewing each one along the way was really enjoyable, too. 5/5.”

You heard it here first! The Alpine Adventure Pack 2018 was a WIN!

Kids’ Present Report 2018

Today post will tell you everything that Brady and I bought for our kids this Christmas. It won’t include what others got them. Just within our little family of seven. I’m mostly posting this to share gift ideas with others for Christmases to come 🙂 I’m also writing it in advance, so the tenses are a bit off, but the whole purpose of pre-writing it was to not have to work on the blog on Christmas. So I’m leaving it that way, haha!

As I so often say, to each their own, always! Whether you think we got everyone too much or too little, we all do it our own way. Please leave judgement at the door. Or on your side of the screen. Please and thank you!

To remind everyone quickly, we give our kids gifts in four categories: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. We did a couple of extras on top of that this year, as well as the kids picked names between themselves. 

We’ll start at the top with Dekker! He’s seven. Dekker’s “want” is a wallet. He’s been pretending he has one for a while now, making cards and bills for it, so now he has one! More to play with than to actually use. His need is in a similar ballpark. He got a piggy bank. It seems redundant, but again, the wallet will be more for playing and the piggy bank will service its actual purpose. His item to wear is a bright orange Gap hoodie. His hoodies are getting a bit small and I know that, if he had his say, he’d get a brightly colored one over the neutral ones I tend to pick out. His book to read is called “Iggy Peck Architect” and was strongly recommended to us. It sounds right up his alley! On top of these things, he got a new pair of jammies, a bath bomb, and a toque crocheted by yours truly. Waverly picked Dekker’s name this Christmas, and she bought him a big ole stuffed banana. Seems ridiculous, I know, but he LOVES it. Wavy’s on top of it. She knows him well.

Laela is up next! She’s five. She is getting stencils for her want this year. I feel like I have to put it on the record that I had this idea back in summer even though she’s now been using the exact same stencils at school and is LOVING them! So hopefully she’s thrilled to have her own set at home! Her need is a piggy bank like Dekker’s, but a different color. To wear, she’s getting stick-on earrings, which I’m confident she will love, and to read, I got her a Robert Munsch book about makeup. She also got jammies, a bath bomb, and a toque. Dekker bought for Laela this year, and he requested a Barbie for her. However, she had just received a Barbie, so we found a super cute dolly instead. 

Rowan’s almost four years old. His want this year was from Ikea. We got him a flashlight that you have to turn a crank in order to make it shine. Rowan LOVES flashlights, and has gotten them as gifts more than once, but they always burn out SO FAST. This will be so good for him. His need is also a piggy bank. The last one, I promise! I might throw a couple bucks in each kids piggy bank. We’ll see. To wear, he got a t-shirt that says “All BOY” on it, for everyone wondering, lol! And his book to read is an I Spy book! We recently learned that he’s great at those, so now he’ll have his very own. Like everyone else, he got jammies, a bath bomb, and a toque. Solly bought for Rowan this year, and he got him a fanny pack. I know, I know, it sounds dumb, but it’s actually awesome. All Rowan ever wants to do is carry around a couple of his favourite toys. And now he can. In his fanny pack. 

Solomon is next. He’s two and a half. For his want, we got him a hammer. He loves to hammer on everything, so we went against our better judgement and got him a hammer that talks. Sigh. I already know I’m going to hate that thing. But when you hammer it, it counts. So there’s that. His need is real bedding! He’s been using a smallish babyish blanket for a while, and while he never sleeps under it anyway, we figured it was time for a new, big blanket. So we got him a twin quilt and a cute duvet cover and pillowcase from Ikea. Its blue and has monkeys on it. To wear, he got a shirt that has a picture of a burger doing the dab on it. Another sigh. But another “he’ll love it” moment. And Dekker will LOVE it. Does anyone else’s kid still do the dab, or just mine? Solly’s book to read is called “Thats Not my Monkey” which I’ll admit was not my first choice, but it turned out that the book I purchased for him we actually already own. Go Hailey go. So I panicked and picked this one up. He, too, got jammies, a bath bomb, and a toque. I should say, though, I was trying to get the kids jammies to have matching themes. I chose breakfast. Dekker’s have a fried egg spaceship on them. Laelas are pink with fried eggs on them with heart eyes. Rowan’s have bacon on them. Wavy’s are also pink with bacon and eggs. And for some unknown reason, that was all that existed. No more breakfast jammies anywhere. So Sollys have fries and burgers on them. *shrug* I can only do so much! Laela bought Solly a stuffed blue troll.

Last but not least, Waverly! Its her first Christmas with our family! She’s just shy of six months old. She’s getting a nice little haul as well. Her want is a new blanket. She has beautiful receiving blankets, but she doesn’t have a bit of a heavier blanket. But now she will! Her need is a high chair, as the one she’d likely move into is SO gross, and the cover doesn’t come off. It was such a cute high chair but that sucker is nasty, and we got it for SO cheap so long ago that I feel ok about letting it go. Her item to wear is a thick Gap sweatsuit-esque onesie thing. She has one now and its AMAZING, so we got her the next size up. Her book to read is called “Tooth” by Leslie Patricelli. We have SO many of her books, and they’re super cute. She got her breakfast jammies, a toque, and a baby-friendly bath bomb. Rowan pulled her name, and insisted on getting her a toy in the shape of a Christmas tree. And somehow, I found one! A chewy silicone thing in the shape of a tree! And I could even get it in lavender, so you know I did.

Boom! Gifts!

I should add in here what I got Brady! I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet, but he’s actually had his present since the first of the month! I bought Brady a beer “advent calendar” this year! I’ll still get him some little stuff for Christmas day so he doesn’t feel left out but the biggest chunk of his gift is his beer. Every day, he gets a new beer that he’s never tasted before, just for fun! Don’t worry, we’re making notes along the way, and we’ll post a bit of a review at the end of the season. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea (or bottle of beer) but it’ll give you an idea of what to expect and see if it would maybe be a gift you’d like to give or receive next year. I think I’ll post that one tomorrow.

Thats it, folks! It feels enormous to write out what we got each kid. If you look at it objectively, we were pretty careful and intentional about what we got everyone, not to go over the top or break the bank, but its still a TON of gifts! Yikes!

Christmas Eve 2018

We all slept in around here, and got up for breakfast around 8:30. The kids ate, and then we opened a haul of gifts from a close friend. The kids hauled in a ton of loot, complete with books, games, toys, clothing, etc. They had so much fun and were SO happy with their gifts! I liked Rowan and Dekker’s hoodies the best!

After we opened presents, we started running! We found out two days ago that we’re having some unexpected company, so we loaded everyone into the van for a quick Christmas Eve trip to the city to get prepared. First stop was coffee and cookies, of course.

We went and hit a few stores, and found everything, which was unexpected and nice. We moved quickly in an effort to get home in time for naps. Brady ran into the last place on his own and I fed Wavy. We woke her to run in this morning, so she hadn’t even eaten yet! But she’s was finally asking for her bottle, and she drank super well 🙂 Yay, Waverly!

We did indeed get home at a good time! I got lunch on for the kids while Brady put away our purchases. Then he put the kids down while I dealt with a few things that are needed for the next couple of days. Once the kids were down, I showered and Brady fed Wavy a bit more before putting her down for naps, too.

Tonight is the Christmas Eve service at church! Who’s coming?? I think we’re leaving a few of our morsels at home, just because I’m apprehensive about Rowan’s spots :/ We are SO fortunate to have friends who have offered every Christmas Eve for the last three years to watch whoever isn’t well enough to come to church with us. What a huge gift to have childcare offered before you even have a chance to ask!

I anticipate a smooth evening, and our family Christmas happens TOMORROW! We never grew up worried about Christmas presents being opened on the 25th. There were even a couple of years where I remember opening gifts in January after we’d been back to school! But this year will maybe be the first time we’re doing our little family Christmas actually on Christmas 🙂 I think, rather than worrying about writing a blog that day, I’m going to post what we got the kids for Christmas, which I wrote a little while ago. Hope that suits you all!

Merry Christmas Eve, my friends! 🎄

Christmas #2 with a Side of Illness

We did our Christmas with Cher last night. The kids didn’t, but the three of us did! We ate pizza and watched a movie, along with some YouTube videos, and opened presents. My goodness, we had such a nice time! Good food, good company, good gifts, and videos of cats being terrified of cucumbers. It was a super nice evening with a super good friend!

That was Christmas #2 for us. No, they’re not traditional turkey feasts, but they sure count to me! We’re celebrating New Years early, as well. Thats tonight, haha! We don’t have tons of traditions, but we do have a New Years one, so I’m looking forward to that!

We spent the morning getting the kids and ourselves fed, and dressed and ready for church. We were ready in good time, everyone was in a good place, Wavy had drank well. Our mornings aren’t always so smooth. I was upstairs putting on some lips and a cute little blazer when Brady sent me this picture.

It would appear Rowan has Hand Foot and Mouth. Because its Christmas. And why not?


I checked everyone else over, and there are no spots to be seen. But this. Sucks. Will it change our plans? Maybe. Will it deter our friends and family from hanging out with us? Maybe. I don’t know. I’m SO discouraged. Ro isn’t itchy or uncomfortable, so thats good. No fevers either, nor open spots. So its not going to reach anyone else at this point, but this is just not the virus to get right before Christmas.

So plans changed, and Rowan and I are staying home from church this morning. Wavy is staying home with us, too. She’s teething like a crazy person and while she could’ve done fine at church, she will be SO much happier napping at her usual time in her own bed.

We exchanged church for Trolls Christmas. Didn’t have a lot of other options.

Trolls Holiday for the win :/ Win-ish. Its not church and its not Jesus’ birth, but it is Justin Timberlake! Lol! We’ll get back to the root of Christmas soon enough. This morning we’ll just be sucks and watch Christmas movies.

If you’re the praying type, please pray that Rowans spots just miraculously disappear! While I’m pretty confident that, at least at this point, he’s not super contagious, we hope to be around other people this season, and would LOVE to not infect everyone we love.

Get better, Rowan!!!

Christmas Has Begun!

We had our first Christmas today! Our amazing friends from across the street came over bearing cookies and gifts for our kids. They very quickly became our friends when we moved here, and have turned into honorary grandparents for our children. They love them so clearly and fully, and ask to have them over often. We love them back, for being such warm, trustworthy, supportive friends. At first, when we chose our lot for our house build, we weren’t thrilled with the location. But God knew what and who we needed! Thank you, Lord, for Tom and Rae!

They hit it out of the park with presents, and spent a couple of hours at our house this morning, playing with the kids’ new toys and games. We ate cookies and homemade chocolates and visited while the kids new stuff played and sang in the background. The kids were SO happy, and I think I can safely say the rest of us were, too. It just felt like Christmas should feel. Noisy and fun and relaxed time together with people you care about.

We ate a few too many cookies and chocolates before our friends headed back home for the day. It was SUCH a lovely way to spend the morning. The FIRST morning of the break!

After a while, the kids ate lunch and 3/5 went down for naps. Wavy woke up pretty much right as everyone went down (isn’t that always how it goes?) and Dekker stayed up and built his new firetruck Lego set. Brady and I hung out with Wavy and ate lunch, and eventually Brady took on the task of moving all the presents out of our room and under the tree. I wrapped them a while ago already but they’ve just been living up here. I’m kiiind of sick of my room being a dumping ground, so Brady did the laps with the gifts and I worked on the rest of the bedroom. Its not clean clean, but its tidier, so I’ll take it! The en suite is still a huge mess, and I have tubs of yarn up here still from my craft retreat in November. Don’t judge me. My desk is clear for use, gifts are where they belong, wrapping paper and ribbons have been put back, and I can walk from my bed to the bathroom without stepping on anything of value. I’m so relieved to have things at least close to the way they were.

The rest of today will be spent bathing kids and playing with new toys. Maybe even a Christmas movie, depending on how long baths take. Or we’ll just do it anyway. I happen to know that more gifts are making their way over tonight, which is exciting! We are SO fortunate to have so many loving people in our lives! Its just the first day of the holiday and we’re already swimming in good company and gifts.

Many more good days to come! I want to post what we got the kids, but figured I’d wait until after Christmas, juuust in case somehow word got to them. Not sure how that would happen, but better to be safe than sorry! Wait for that on the 26th or 27th, because for the first time in years, we’re actually doing our Christmas on the 25th!! And WOW, thats soon! The countdown was feeling a bit ominous very recently, but everything is ready now 🙂 So bring it on!

The Last Weekday Before Christmas

So, oops.

I completely missed the memo that today was the last weekday before Christmas holidays!! Foolishly, I made city plans today, and was in Saskatoon for the bulk of the day! While it was pure insanity, I’m happy I went in and got those few things done!

I got my legs and arms freshly waxed, which was overdue and felt OH so good! I got my nails redone also, which was necessary. Both of my thumbnail gels had come clean off, and things were looking rough. Plus, with the gel off of those, they were thin and sharp and I was starting to pick at my skin. So it was more than time. It felt good to get that taken care of. I opted for some plain medium grey nails, because if you know me at all, you know I think grey is the comfiest color, and that feels like a good theme for the season!

I had some time to kill after that and was on a mission to find one more Christmas gift thats been eluding me. I tried Winners but walked out empty handed. Trust me, I could’ve bought a handful of things for myself easily, but I resisted. I resisted there, anyway. Made up for “missed opportunity” later…

I hit Walmart for a handful of necessities, and scanned around for that gift I couldn’t find. I ended up in the makeup zone and snagged a couple of items I’ve had my eye on for a while now. Again, I could’ve done a lot more damage than I did. I bought two out of the three things that I really wanted, and left a few other fun things behind, so go me! Still couldn’t find that gift, though.

Leaving Walmart was bananas. BANANAS. I had already parked aaaaall the way in the back, which is my usual go-to move, but like even further back! Everything was so tight, I was having a pretty brutal time getting out of my spot, and these two wonderful women came to my rescue and guided me out. What a relief!

I made my way to my last appointment, to get the side of my head touched up. Good thing I gave myself extra time because it was completely crazy downtown!! I circled the block a couple of times before I buckled and took a parking spot about a block away. But it was fine. I was still a little early for my appointment, and my hair girl had just finished up with her previous client! We actually dug in a little deeper today, and she washed my hair and tried a new style in it. It didn’t work out how either of us were hoping, but its still a fun look, and was nice to just chat and catch up a bit before Christmas. I love her. She’s the best.

I hit Lawson mall as a last ditch effort to find that present. I searched the whole place and came out without, again. I did buy myself another thing. Don’t judge me. It was just little. A shirt. No biggie. But nothing for that last gift. Oh well. That person already has presents. I just wanted ONE more.

I made it home to my whole family, wide awake and happy. Dekker and Laela were home from their last day of school before Christmas. Wavy was awake from her nap. Rowan and Solly were playing happily, up from their naps. Everyone was well! Laela and I ducked out together to drop off a Christmas gift quickly before supper, but now we’re all cozied in for the evening!

Well, they are. Brady and I are heading to practice for Christmas Eve at our church!! Are you guys coming? Its open to everyone, at 7:00pm on the 24th, and I hear the music is going to be good!! 😉

Happy Friday night, friends. Snuggle in and enjoy the very beginning of the holidays!

Christmas Concerts 2018

Today was the day! Dekker and Laela had their school Christmas concerts. It was SO CUTE. I’m sad that I’m not able to share pictures, but to respect the privacy of others, you’re just going to have to trust me on this. Our group of admirers were cute, too!

It took a little while before our kids made their appearances, but it was worth the wait!

Dekker was SO excited to do the dab in front of everyone *face palm* and while he sang and did all the actions, he was completely deadpan, which made it sooooo much funnier! Doing all the motions with his hands with no wiggle or expression change. It. Was. Hysterical.

Laela’s class came up towards the end. She was placed at the end of the rows, and she twirled and swayed as she sang along to their song. Again, SO cute. She looked so floaty and comfortable up there.

To wrap up the performance, the entire school filled the front of the gym snd sang a handful of songs together. I could pick out both kids easily, and watched them as they sang and did actions and participated beautifully. I was fluffy proud of them both. I’m so happy with their school and their teachers and everything they’re learning.

Was such a happy afternoon, holding the baby snug in the back of the gym.

One more day of school before the break!!

Improvement in the Midst of Busyness

My cold is going to lift in time for Christmas. I can feel it! Or I’m just making it up. But I’m counting on it, anyway!

I was in rough shape yesterday evening, and Brady told me I could load up on cold meds and knock out for the night, so I did. I know at one point, my coughing woke Waverly, and I know Brady got up and fed her, but I don’t remember that part. Whoops. My bad. Sorry, guys. With that though, and Brady’s willingness to do the morning for me, I slept in beautiful until around 9:30. I’m not all better by any means, but I can feel improvement is on the horizon! I’m not holed up in bed, miserable, but I’m resting my voice and body, and they’re both SO thankful. They told me. 

Brady and I are part of the music at our church’s Christmas Eve service, so I really need a voice before then! And ideally I’d have one through the rest of the season. 

Today has been successful. I have some voice, unlike yesterday, but I’m using it sparingly. I’m still hiding out upstairs for most part. Drinking water and trying to eat more than just cough candies. I did have a quick outing today, though. Going out seemed to make my body happy, to move around and get some fresh air. It was good to be around people again, too. I feel so fortunate to have the chance to just hide and rest and recoup, but I also miss my people. 

I hope you’re all well this week, or at least well in time for Christmas! Now is NOT the time of year to be riddled with illness! Stay healthy, my friends.