We’ve been missing our Wavy over here.
She has been such a calm, content baby girl from the start. Always such a peach to have around. We barely have her on any schedule because she just rolls with whatever. SUCH an easy baby.
Until recently. Her sleep has tanked, she’s stopped drinking her bottles well, and she cries a lot more unless we’re holding her. I know she’s fine, though. She’s still growing like a weed (A very, very chubby weed,) hitting milestones, developing curiosity, and is generally herself. We’ve just been rolling with the changes, because as we all know, people change constantly, no matter the age or stage. She’s allowed to have opinions, and push for what she wants. Its a natural thing.
Yesterday evening, she woke up around 10pm. This is far from our “usual” that try to have, but since she doesn’t drink her milk well anymore, she hadn’t drank much before going down for the night. It made sense for her to get up to drink, except it was different. She wasn’t sad. She was giggling!
We were SO thrilled to have OG Wavy back!! Brady brought her to bed so we could change her diaper and feed her, and she was all laughter! We tickled her and she positively lost it! She ate a little, not a lot, and then we broke the rules of parenting and sat her up in bed with us to play, tickle, and watch some Netflix. We just couldn’t imagine putting her to bed while she was so happy. I forgot what her good, free giggle sounded like, but guys its like MUSIC. She is just SO sweet! I haven’t seen her like that in so long, and it did my heart good to know that chipper, warm, happy little soul was in there! Not that she isn’t still all of those things, but this was next level Wavy!
Eventually, she had to go back to bed, and she did. And then she woke up two more times in the night, just because. And then I had to wake her from a total deep sleep because its too cold for Dekker and Laela to walk to school. Poor tired baby! However, we have an explanation.

Those top teeth are SO CLOSE! The one actually looks like it through, but it isn’t. It’s trying, though! Hopefully when those puppies make it out, Waverly can be much more settled and content! Until the next ones start moving…