Wavy is probably our first baby who likes baths at a young age. She doesn’t love them, but she handles them super well, and often gets through them without even crying.
Yesterday’s bath was an exception…
When I lay her in the tub, she was a bit on the hesitant side, but she was pretty ok with it. Like usual, she just watched me and I smiled at her, and she was content and trusting and totally fine.
Until she splashed. She got excited and kicked her feet, and scared her poor self half to death! And as one might expect, her reaction from fear was to flail and kick. So she continued to freak herself right out! Poor dear was SO upset! I couldn’t talk her down from it, so it became a situation of washing her as fast as possible so I could rescue her from herself.
The funny issue with having a baby with quite so much hair is that there is NO way around sitting her up to get the black cleaned. And on top of that, she has enough hair that an all-in-one baby shampoo doesn’t cut it, so I have to rinse her and sit her up a second time for conditioner. Really, its a great problem to have, because I love how much hair she has, but she absolutely refused! I sat her up and she’s launch herself backwards. I’d let her stand, and she’s bail down. FULL fight or flight mode. We have a bath mat in the bottom of the tub to make it less slippery but it was not doing its job last night, so siree!
I was bathing her while Brady was putting the finishing touches on the other kids bedtimes, but I finally had to call him away for a minute so he could just hold Wavy up in one spot so I could actually condition her hair. It only took a couple of seconds. Then I lay her back down and rinsed her hair and her still panicking little body before pulling her out and wrapping her in her towel. It wasn’t even closed around her body before she was smiling like a fool. Silly little girl.

She did survive her bath, as you can imagine, but it wasn’t a smooth one. It’ll be so much more fun when she’s more stable sitting 🙂 They she can actually play and feel less vulnerable and under water. Hopefully she soon learns that splashing can be fun!