It might seem small, but getting two dates in one month feels like a HUGE gift we’ve been given! Last year, I planned to really be intentional about dates, and go on at least one per month. Its proved to be a hard thing to prioritize, and we easily go months without one. So far this year, however, we’ve done better! We’ve now had two this month, and have a NIGHT away booked in March!! I’m SO excited!
Brady and I get one on one time at home every day, so we’re not without chances to chat and be together, kid free. So the “need” for a date out of the house doesn’t always feel necessary. Yet I can honestly say that, going out on these last two dates has been a different kind of refreshment. I slept great, I feel more upbeat this morning, and the kids are happy to see us. I only wish we could date every week like this, haha! But maybe I should keep pushing for dates more regularly.
So, because we had our anniversary date last week, we decided to just be comfy and casual for this one. Not that we were super dolled up and fancy for the last one. We opted to hit a restaurant that we were super hungry for, and ended up at Montana’s. I used to always order the same thing there – baked chicken penne – but guys, the newish menu item, the buttermilk country chicken plate, is SO good! I could drink that country gravy with a straw. So I got that, and Brady ordered his usual firecracker burger. We played hangman while we waited for our food.

After supper, we ducked into Dollarama for a minute before heading to our movie. We had reserved seats for “Isn’t it Romantic.” I have to say right here and now, I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. We went into it expecting a basic romantic comedy, super tame, without much thinking required. And while we did get that, the whole movie was based around making fun of romantic comedies! Rebel Wilson was the lead, which helped. It was SO. FUNNY. I highly recommend it for a funny movie night with friends, or your date. Brady laughed super hard, too, for the record. Wasn’t just me.

We took our time getting home, thanks to a never ending train. But our childcare (childCher?) was happily hanging out, not rushing us at all. We drove home and ate popcorn and laughed about the movie. It was SO chill and SO fun. We felt like a couple again rather than just parents.
I feel like I should say, I know some people really feel like they get lost in their role as parents. I honestly don’t feel like we have. I should speak for myself, I suppose. I don’t feel like I’ve lost myself in being a mother and a wife, but sometimes it feels great to step back and see it for myself. Not just as a memory, but in real time. It was nice to just be Brady and Hailey for a few hours.
Thank you, Cher, and Sandy, for hanging with our kids yesterday evening. What a huge gift!
We’re spending today snowed in! Brady finished all the little nitpicky parts of our basement yesterday so today, he’s begun hanging drywall! I’m SO happy we’re finally at the point of WALLS!! Woot!

Enjoy your weekend, friends!