Surprise Photos During Naptime

I was feeling pretty discouraged and sick this morning, so Cher came to offer some moral support. It met SUCH a need. Wavy woke up later in the morning, which pretty much meats she was going to alternate her naps with the others. Sometimes, thats a real pain. Especially on a low day, I revel in the moments that everyone naps together. But today’s naptime turned into such a fabulous time, and a surprise photo shoot of our little miss!

She ate some lunch with the other kids, and drank a good bottle, but she still seemed quite distressed afterwards. I sat with her while I ate my lunch, but that just wasn’t enough. But then, she caught me off guard and got exactly what she wanted.

So innocent. Don’t let her fool you. She knew exactly what she was doing.

We laughed SO HARD!! But WOW was she happy! Have you seen that video of the baby desperately trying to eat its moms burrito? Ya. She was a lot like that baby.

Brady thought it was funny, too 🙂

As you can see, she was in my favorite sleeper of hers, and it was a HUGE mess after she was finished with her pizza. So I took her out of it…

and then she was really happy!!!

And annoyingly photogenic, as she tends to be.

Could she be any softer?

She was just the most beautiful thing for such a lovely stretchy of time. I eventually noticed she was starting to suck her fingers and rub her eyes, and decided it was time for her to nap. I got her dressed in some fresh jammies, not that she made it easy for me…

and put her down for bed. Goodness, she was cute to the very end!

Soon enough, my three sleeping children woke up, and everyone was up for the day. It was cute, and not totally smooth, but cute nonetheless.

Sincere apologies

It was such a cute day 💜

Thank you for the visit, my friend. These memories are SO precious to me!

I’m Back, and Accomplished

The craft retreat has ended, and I have made it home, loaded down with all my stuff and some sore muscles. Lucky for me, they’re sore from sitting and crocheting all day long! That all-to-familiar kink in my neck and the sore fingers that have been manipulating a crochet hook for hours and hours this weekend. I know the feelings well, and I like them. Feels like I actually did things this weekend.

And I did!!! I had a few project options to flip flop between and I ended up choosing a particular blanket pattern and sticking to it the entire time I was away! I didn’t finish it, but I completed 66 out of the necessary 80 pieces that made up the centre of it. I went in thinking I could easily crush this blanket in a weekend, but clearly I had never made one and had no idea how long it would take. I got pretty discouraged quickly and figured I wouldn’t even get halfway done, but I ended up getting a fabulous chunk done. I put my head down and worked, and still managed to visit with my friends and enjoy my time. I feel really good about what I all got done 🙂

Also, seriously, is there anything more satisfying?

Ok, yes, there are many more satisfying things than this, but I’m a big fan.

I arrived home today to a clean house, and a bunch of freshly washed children. Everyone was SO nice and SO happy. Yet I admit that I feel like we’re all about to fall apart. I’m pretty sure I’m just really tired, haha! My eyes want to close, but its only 5:30, sooooo we’ve got a ways to go! But I’m so thankful to be home with those I love, after a weekend of hanging out with people I also love, getting some really fun crafting done! Was a fantastic regroup! I highly recommend it to all!

When the Wife is Away the Children Will Clean

Husband Post!

Hailey wrote yesterday about how she’s away for the weekend at a craft retreat and today is our one full day at home without her. Nothing I haven’t done before. I like being able to manage all the kids on my own for at least a weekend. I feel like that an important thing to keep in mind for me as we have a more than average number of kids.

So while this was not our smoothest morning, we still managed to make it enjoyable and productive. The kids and I all woke up for breakfast around the same time and even Wavy enjoyed some cheerios with us.

Pretty quick after breakfast I set Wavy up in the living room with some toys and her baby gym and while the other kids ran circles around her, I grabbed the big vacuum from the basement and started vacuuming all the bedrooms and staircases. Just as I was finishing up the last set of stairs Laela got my attention with our smaller vacuum in hand and asked if she could vacuum the hard floors. As quick as I could say ‘Sure! That’d be so helpful, Sweetie!’, Rowan took her place with our carpet sweeper in hand asking if he could clean the living room rug. I was so pumped so see them volunteering to help that it motivated me to keep going.

I put on some music we recently purchased that the kids love and I started cleaning the main bathroom. Before I had even pulled out the lysol wipes I had Rowan and Dekker both asking what they could help with, and Laela was only a minute or two behind them. So, I set them all to work wiping down door handles, cabinet handles, light switches, chairs, cabinet fronts, and anything else we could think of that gets little kid sticky over time. They gave me a solid 30-40 minutes of cleaning!

Now our house smells like bleach, everything is back to its natural colour and theres about 50 wipes in our garbages. 😂

Solly and Wavy didn’t help at all but they were super cute and just added to the morale. 😊

Beyond that I also took some time to pull up the bottom track of our main bath shower doors. I could see mold starting to peek out from underneath it and its never sealed properly since I installed it before we moved in. Its always leaked a little water down the front of the tub during showers and when the kids splash.

So I cut the old silicone, pulled it up, cleaned up all the mold from under the track and put a thick new bead of silicone down underneath the track before reinstalling it.

No baths tonight! 😂

So thats been our day thus far. Hoping to keep it light and fun this afternoon. Lots of music and jumping around and yummy easy supper. Maybe macaroni tonight. 😍

Side note, if you haven’t heard this song yet, please go check it out. It was an instant dancey favourite in our house! It’s not as much about drinking as you’d think from the title. Don’t judge!

What to Bring

As mentioned, I’m going away this weekend to get my crocheting on! I’m looking forward to trying a whole new avenue of crocheting, and I have a few to choose from. Who knows where I’ll end up, but I’m very much looking forward to it.

I spent some time yesterday getting things together. Many women who go to this retreat either do paper crafts (cards, scrapbooking, etc.) and many others do quilting. They have to bring WAY more stuff than I do. I bring a couple tubs of yarn with some extras thrown in. I feel like I just went to one of these retreats, even though it was a few months back, but I think I have a pretty good handle on what actually needs to come along with me. What I didn’t use last time, and what I forgot and needed! Here it all is!

Basic clothing – sweats, leggings, and a stack of grey shirts. I’m not even kidding. I added a grey/blue one to make me feel like I had variety. But I’m just bringing all the comfy stuff. I’m not even bringing jeans. Sock and underwear. Don’t forget jammies, so sharing a cabin with a group of people doesn’t get awkward…

Food – So meals are provided but its suggested to bring a snack for people to share. I’m behind on this, but the plan is to bake up some quick Ghirardelli brownie cookies before I head out. Also, last time, coffee creamer hung out in the dining hall but not in the craft area where we spent most of our time. Sooooo I’m bringing creamer too, because, coffee snob.

Toiletries – Almost nothing. Toothbrush and paste, brush, deodorant, and moisturizer. Chapstick. The end. I might bring mascara so I can look put together if I want to. But I likely won’t want to.

Sleeping bag and pillow, obviously. Phone charger. Maybe a snuggle blanket. Trying to decide how cold its going to be there…

Crafty stuff! – YARN! So much yarn! In with the yarn, I have my iPad (for the sake of patterns) and a binder with patterns already printed off. I have a pencil, a good eraser, a sharpener, and a notebook. I have a beefy extension cord to plug in whatever I need, and for my tablemates to share. I have good scissors and all kinds of little hooks, needles, and accessories. I think I have everything I need for any of the ideas I have brewing, but because I’m not dead set on any specific one, that leaves wiggle room to have forgotten something small, and to switch to a different option.

Mmmmm! What are these gonna be?? So much potential!!

Last time I went to this retreat, it was SO cold. Its still winter, but I don’t have to tell any of you local friends that this weather is BEAUTIFUL in comparison to what we’ve been having. It feels like Spring! Its possible I’m wearing leggings and bringing my capri length leggings, just in case 😉 Crafting is an extreme sport, after all.

How it all Worked Out

Social media crashed for a bit there yesterday, hey? WHAT a pain!! If you didn’t read yesterdays post, probably read it first. Here it is! I couldn’t share the blog link until the end of the day, and Insta fought my content, too. It was pretty annoying, but is a small problem, obviously.

Yesterday, we were able to crack out all of our new purchases from Walmart and give them a whirl! These are my thoughts.

Laela’s new underwear is SUCH a win. They’re just the cheapest, George brand panties. Seven pairs for $7. They’re obviously not the highest quality, but they’re cute, and they fit her well. I should say, they don’t have a ton of extra room, so its good that she’s a skinny minnie. They’re a bit tall, which is kind of odd, but conveniently, Laela has a super tall butt (Ya, I said it) so they actually do a pretty good job of hiding her little crack, haha! She’s going to love reading this later in life…..

Wavy tried one of her squeezy pouches yesterday. She didn’t eat too much of it, but she’s still little, and she also doesn’t care as much for purees. But she tolerated it. We’ll know soon if the prunes helped with anything, but she’s still sleeping from the night. No poops since she ate from it yesterday evening.

Whats more exciting is her new cups! We got Wavy some Tommee Tippee straw cups. They’re very cute! I like the look way more than the Playtex ones we’ve gotten in the past. However, I was unsure how to encourage her to drink from it. I’m THRILLED with the result! She easily drank from it right away. She got little sip after little sip, and delivered a couple of big water burps after a while, which confirmed that she was truly getting water out of it. A whole new world for that girl! She’s so ready for it! So not only did she eat some prune puree for supper, but she drank water at her high chair, and then drank a full bottle at bedtime!! She didn’t poop yesterday but hopefully its easy today! Wish her luck!

I realized that I didn’t show you a picture of the yarn I bought yesterday, and its currently upstairs in my bedroom where baby sleeps, so you may just have to see it in the posts to come over the weekend! I’m SO excited to get my crocheting on for a few days and see what kind of damage I can do. Might make a blanket. Might make a sweater. Might make a stuffed toy. I have ideas. Last time I went away to crochet, Brady blogged for me, but I think this time I’m going to try and blog along the way. Last time, I was making Christmas gifts. This time, I’m not, so I’m more inclined to share with you 🙂 I’m printing patterns off as I type this! Eek!

Here’s hoping social media lets me share this one today! If not, get off your phone and get outside! Or just do that anyway!!

All the Fun Walmart Things

I’ve been trying to go to the city less these days. I’m really striving to use what I have and not immediately replace food when we still have lots. I try and think of days to the city in terms of about $20 in gas. If we’re running in for a little part of piece of material for something in the basement, is it worth it for the $10 purchase and the $20 gas bill? If not, we wait until we have a bigger/better reason to go in. Its not foolproof, and I’m not perfect at it, but its an effort I’m making.

Today, however, we needed to get a few things at Walmart that weren’t just groceries, so we made a bit of an errand morning out of it. For whatever reason, I’m more excited about it than usual!

First of all, we hit Lululemon. If you remember, Brady ordered me a pair of leggings for our anniversary. I chose the size, mind you, and I chose wrong. So that was a crappy thing, to go try them on and realize you had aimed too small. I had to return them and reorder. Merp. But today, I went and tried them on, and had them measured to hem. I’m SO excited to pick them up next week!!!

Ok, now to Walmart. It really wasn’t riveting, but it felt really productive.

Laela needed underwear. I recently realized she’s been in the same ones for WAY too long and the only reason they still fit is because they’ve stretched with her. I pulled out some new ones that I’ve been holding onto for a moment such as this, and they’re HUGE! They’re the right number size, but a different brand. They’re just way way too big. So today, we grabbed her a pack of underwear that is super cute and was super cheap. I hope they’re perfect for her because that would be so awesome!

Wavy and her bowels need some extra help these days, so I was able to find some squeezy pouches with prunes in them, and a few other “motivating” ingredients, haha! The last time I had looked for pureed prunes, they had been almost impossible to find, so it felt good to walk out of there with a good stack.

Also for Wavy and her lack of milk drinking, we grabbed her some sippy cups. Now, I don’t know about you guys and your families, but we always prefer the straw cups. It just seems like a wise skill for them to learn. That way, anywhere we go, baby/toddler can just drink from a straw. But, Solly for sure had a brutal time taking to any kind of sippy cup! He was over a year by the time he finally figured it out. To be fair, the ones we always buy have a pretty hefty leak lock on them, so this time around, we grabbed a new kind in the same price range. These ones still look like they’ll be leak proof (ish) but after bringing them home and unwrapping them, I can vouch that the leak lock is way lighter. If she actually sucks on the straw, its going to work! So here’s hoping she figures this out sooner than later!! They’re really cute, too, which helps.

The last thing I was excited about from Walmart was yarn. Now I have LOTS of yarn, but I’m going to another craft retreat this weekend and I have a project in mind that I needed specific yarn for. Specifically unspecific, actually. Don’t try to make it make sense. Regardless, I was doing some research, and the particular brand I was looking for (cheap and still soft) was SO cheap at Walmart!!! So I was able to find all kinds of pretty colors and not even break the bank! I’m SO thrilled and SO looking forward to the retreat! It was hard to decide what to make this time around (because, warm weather) but I think I have some fun options!

We ran a few more errands, and I fed the kids lunch in the van between our last few quick stops. They went down for naps right when we got home. Now, Brady and I will warm up some lunch and take a load off until naps are done and Dekker comes home. I love a good productive morning and super lazy afternoon!

After the Photoshoot

Waverly’s pictures from yesterday were SO cute that I couldn’t resist adding an encore post of what usually goes on after her photoshoots! She continues to be the cutest little thing, obviously, but its worth another post! 😍

I guess I could share a “before” picture or two…

Her little smirk is just SO awesome 😏

Then we had her shoot, which I’m sure you remember from yesterday’s post. She had a visitor or two during her modelling sesh.

When she began informing us that she was done posing, I started to take her out of her little dress and planned to slip her back into a cozy sleeper. But she LOVES to be free!!

Objections, lol!

She had more visitors…

Crazy eyes!

Does anyone else thoroughly enjoy how bendy babies are??

I kept poking her in her own head with her own feet, and she giggled like crazy. Because she’s awesome. She was less impressed when I munched her chubby little arms, apparently.

I saved the best for last. Its hard, because they’re all SUCH cute pictures, but this picture is just perfectly Waverly. Happy, bright, open, and effortlessly beautiful.

Thank you, Jesus, for sharing this beautiful little darling with us 💜 She couldn’t fit in better than she already does.

Wavy’s Monthly Update: Part 2

You may have noticed we didn’t manage a photoshoot for Wavy’s eight month day post last week, but we’re here now! I figured I’d pair it with a post about her recent doctors appointment. That way, you’re getting another “monthly update” type of post with official pictures 🙂 Hope that counts!


I took Waverly to the doctor last week with a few little concerns, and as usual, we were welcomed SO warmly and left feeling more confident, and most importantly, knowing that Wavy is healthy and well. 

We were called back a little late, but the girl who called us back was the same as always, and was so enamoured with Wavy. Wavy was equally as happy to see her, until we had to get her weighed. She made a big scene of it, crying big crocodile tears, and then recovering immediately upon me picking her up. She even gave another staff member a scrunchy, silly smile amidst her tears. We all agreed that, if we had to be stripped down naked and weighed in front of strangers, we’d cry, too. While she and I were still in the back, Dr. Guselle happened by! She worked a smile out of Wavy and commented on all her teeth and how beautiful she was. She actually had another patient with her, who she eagerly introduced to Waverly, and we all had a discussion about her hair and the hopes of it curling once again. It just felt like a circle of friends. Was SO nice. Dr. Guselle commented that she didn’t think she was seeing us that day, and I told her we were seeing Dr. Khatra. When I said his name out loud, he answered from just around the corner, lol! I had no idea he was so close by. The gang was officially all there! 

Funny how it feels homey at our doctors office. We’re so fortunate.

We were brought back to an exam room where Wavy was measured for height, which she also cried through. But she calmed easily, and our doctors arrived shortly thereafter. 

Dr. Khatra had a med student with him today, so I dealt with someone new, but with someone familiar still in the room. I actually really don’t mind that. While I spoke to the med student and answered his questions, Wavy’s doctor smiled at her and teased her and worked smiles out of her. And then, when I would speak to Dr. Khatra rather, the student would play with Waverly. She was constantly entertained, and the doctors would “awww” all over her. Anytime she made a sound or smiled, the appointment stopped for a brief moment so everyone could swoon the appropriate amount, lol! It was pretty adorable. She had a captive audience and she knew it. 

We mostly talked about Wavy’s eating and drinking, or lack there of. She loves solid food, so we give her little tastes often. Yet she’s drinking WAY less. WAAAY less. Significantly smaller bottles. With her sleeping through the night, you’d think she’d up her intake per bottle, or have another feeding, but you’d be wrong. She hasn’t. I haven’t known whether to pull back completely on solids, or just be more mindful of the solids she’s eating. I didn’t know whether I should be waking her to get more formula into her, or trusting her to know what she needs. With her lessening her milk intake, she’s pooping harder, and its really upsetting her, and in turn, me. It was time for answers. So, I asked. 

From her quick exam (which she cried through) and her weight check, we all agreed that she was nice and healthy, and that I should continue to let her lead the way, while being more mindful of what she eats, maybe mixing milk or water into more things. We came up with some ways to get extra fibre into her, and I was told to give her water more. I’ve never known when is a good time to introduce water on its own, and apparently its fine anytime after solid foods start. So we’ll kick that off soon 🙂 

Waverly now weighs 19 lbs 3 oz, and is 28” tall! Her growth chart looks great, and I can relax my worries a little. 

My favourite thing about these appointments is how loved I feel my baby girl is. We are made to feel like we’re the only people there, every single time. Now I know that it could ALL be lip service, and maybe they’re all so warm and sweet to all the families! If thats true, that is AMAZING, and I’m SO thrilled to have wound up in such a good office for my family. When the medical student was examining a tearful Wavy, I was trying to offer her a toy, and Dr. Khatra was holding her other hand, trying to comfort her. No one stands back. They’re involved and warm to my family. I don’t know how many times combined it was said how sweet she is, but it was a LOT. Someone would say she was pretty, and someone else would comment on how little she fussed and how relaxed she was. And she sleeps. AND she smiles at everyone! The list seemed to go on, and I find that to be a pretty wonderful quality in a doctors office. We are not made to feel like patient number whatever. We’re our family, and we’re treated like we’re in their family. Feels pretty good to me. 

Any of those people would be welcome in my home any day. I’m SO grateful.


Also VERY grateful to have these beautiful photoshoots of Waverly, month after month 💜 How fortunate we are!

Sundays are Hard Sometimes

Man, if every Sunday could be a “Sunday Funday” situation…

Last night was a difficult one around here, and Brady and discussed the idea of just skipping church to make things easier. We eventually settled on going after all, because not only is a habit we want to get better at, but it would also break the day up a bit for everyone. Also, Rowan is finally old enough to join his older siblings at childrens church, which was was STOKED about. It was a good choice to go.

We got up early and got everyone dressed and ready to go. The kids were a pretty adorable bunch. The older three dressed themselves in their picks, and I’d say they did a pretty great job. Sollys not so bad himself!

Wavy got dolled up a bit extra today, with cute little shoes and a hairband.

Look at her eyes!!!

Church went pretty well. Wavy made strange, which isn’t her usual, but was good for the sake of snuggles. Brady and I were chatting in the foyer for a good while before we realized our kids were missing. All four of them (minus Waverly, of course) had made their way to our usual bench and were sitting, waiting patiently. SUCH good kids.

Ro had his arm around Laela for a while. He is so sweet.

Partway through the service, the three oldest left for children church, and Solly had a big cry. Poor dude still has some time to wait before its his turn.

By the end of the service, I was walking laps in the back with a tired little baby girl on my shoulder, as tends to happen. Sunday mornings aren’t easy, but its so good for us to go, and I’m happy we’re doing better at getting to church.

Another One

Yesterday was another one of those days where we split the group up. Brady took the little boys outside/in his work van while he finished up his stereo installation. When the big kids got home from school, they put their backpacks in the entrance and opted to stay out with them. I, on the other hand, hung out inside with Wavy. She tends to wake up the moment everyone else leaves and I plan to take a rest. She’s lucky I have NO issue with playing with her all day every day!

We hung out and listened to music. She played, I did some writing, etc. It was pretty chill. Meanwhile, outside, Brady got his stereo finished! Solly was less than enthused.

But the kids had fun being outside again. How we’ve waited for this weather!!

Eventually, everyone came inside, homework was done, supper was eaten, and bedtime happened.

It wound up to be a pretty difficult evening for me, but I choose to remember the happy parts! Look at the sweet little kids in these pictures! Difficult days happen to everyone. I’m not ungrateful. I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. I love it so much. Thank you Lord!