I’m not going to sugarcoat the night. It was a TOTAL disaster. Worse than any other night I can think of, honestly. We were up for hours in the night for reasons like “My bed is too small for me” (was a twin sized bed) and “my blankets are twisted.” I’m not joking. HOURS. So needless to say, everyone slept very little and the morning was rough. We decided to stay in for the morning, keep a low profile, and hopefully venture out in the afternoon.
It was a nice morning in. I worked on some knitting. Brady played guitar. Laela and Dekker coloured. Rowan and Solly built duplo. Wavy tried to open the wood burning stove and chewed on toys. (Don’t worry, I blocked her.)
It was pretty chill. We ate some snacks for lunch and set up for naps.
Except naps went just about the same as the night. SUCH a bust. And I assure you, it wasn’t because no one was tired. They were wiped. Overtired, in fact, but not having it. Wavy got maybe a half hour before all the ruckus woke her, and we couldn’t get her back to sleep. The others did eventually fall asleep, and as it tends to go, she was finally ready to sleep as everyone else was waking up. But then she couldn’t stay sleeping. It. Sucked.
We needed a change of scenery, so we risked public fatigue tantrums, and went to the grocery store for a couple of things. We came well prepared, food wise, but expected to buy a few things on site. We didn’t bring milk because of how much space it takes up, but they don’t have 4L jugs out here!! So it looks like we’ll be popping in for a 2L every day! We grabbed one of those, as well as a loaf of fresh bakery bread! We didn’t bring any bread, as we didn’t want it to squish in the van. So with our bread and milk, we headed back to our spot and made a delicious breakfast for supper! I feel like that really did everyone some good. We LOVE breakfast for supper! We al enjoyed scrambled eggs and bacon, cheese toast, and cherries. Everyone ate a ton of food and felt SO good afterwards! We were definitely ready for our evening visit to our beach. The kids have decided to name it either Thunder Pond or Lightening Lake, because of the ominous weather last night.

It was nice to get out with them, when everyone was feeling a bit better.

It was windier today, but it was GORGEOUS!

I decided to push my luck and push for a kid picture. Solly was SO tired and wanted to stay in the stroller, but I straight up bribed him. The promise of a cookie when we got back to our unit saved the day. Plus he said he would only do it if he was with Dekker. So, he was. And it kinda worked!

Until it didn’t, lol!

Wavy was unimpressed that I had set her down, but that split second still got one usable picture, lol! We regrouped and tried again. It was a pretty cute progression. Not polished at all, but cute 🙂

Finally Dekker said he was going to drop Wavy…

So we called it quits. But seriously, it couldn’t have gone much better. They did SO good.

Even on rough days, I am SO grateful for my family. Thank you Lord for these beautiful people!