From the very beginning, I’ve loved my collections. I still have a stash of pretty pencils and erasers, bouncy balls, stickers, etc. As I grew up, it turned more towards journals and jewelry. But the one collection that has consistently followed me is ROCKS!

There was a really lovely man from our church who also loved rocks. He would polish rocks and sometimes give me a few as a gift. I still have a HUGE beautiful raw chunk of quarts wrapped in cloth from him. He’s since passed away, but I admit I think of him from time to time, when I find a really beautiful rock. I’d probably still bring it to church to show him. I bet he’d even polish it for me. Years ago, I got my own rock polisher for Christmas. I used it a few times, but being a child with a child-sized attention span, I only went through the process a couple of times before I lost interest. Last year, finally, I donated my polisher. I did, however, keep collecting 🙂 Because I can’t not! I have kicked myself numerous times since I donated it. SUCH a bummer. My kids would have a heyday with that thing now, as would I.
So because I’m a bit nerdy like that, this is my post about the rocks I smuggled home from the lake. I’m not offended if this isn’t your thing, but sometimes I just have to post this stuff because I want it in my records, and in the books my children (or their children) might read one day.
So we begin! The photos don’t do them justice, but you’re just going to have to trust me 🙂

This one is actually one of my faaavorites. It has such crazy silvery, shiny spots. I’ve never seen another rock like it.

This rock had FULL glitter through it. Not all too unique, I suppose, but a perfect skipping stone that I didn’t let anyone throw.

Similar to the last one, this rock also was LOADED with sparkle. Aaaaand it was pink, so it made the cut.

Ha! This one cracks me up, because it reminds me of a chunk of raw beef, or something along those lines. Its super smooth, and far less disgusting to hold than raw meat is. I like the shape.

Again, one that really stands out to me. Petrified wood, maybe? Its different than the others, with the layers, and the way one seems to have chipped out the way wood might have. I love it!

Suuuuper skinny, and pinky/quartzy/something pretty.

A similar kind of stone to the last one, but yellow! Makes me think of butter.

And then a BIG version of the last one! I’ve never seen one of these yellowy ones so big!

Can you see the shine on this one? Its like when it was being created, God decided to throw a patchy coat of “glossy” on top.

I liked this rock solely because it was kind of green, which I don’t see too often. It doesn’t really show up here, I guess. I like the layers in it, too 🙂 Subtle. Its all very unassuming.

I swear this one has a thumbprint or something!! Its SO smooth!
These ones didn’t come home with me, but I love the bites taken out of them. They’ve been through some things, I think.

This is either a super cool looking rock, or an old chunk of concrete. I almost threw it back, but then figured I’d kick myself over the “just in case” aspect. So, home it came. Not that I’ll ever really find out.

I don’t know what it is about this one. The shape of it, or the “cookies and cream” crumb look. You’re just going to have to take my word for it that this one is a good one.

I wish this one translated better in a photo. Its just a basic flat neutral rock, but it has this little shock of pink out the side! Or red, maybe? I’m not sure, but that little spot in there is sparkly and surprising. I almost want to break it open and see whats all going on in there, but I’d have to just rattle that little speck loose and have nothing to show for it.

Aaaaand a heart rock. A little lopsided, but is love really perfect? Nah, bro. Its a little wonky sometimes, but I’m a big fan of it. We definitely had love in Waskesiu, and we definitely brought love home with us. Kinda symbolic, but kinda simple, too 🖤 This was an obvious one for me to bring home.

Thats it, folks. Thanks for walking through my nerdy post with me 🙂 Sometimes I care a bit too much about what others think, and I’m trying to be a bit more honest and let some of that go. I planned to do this exact kind of post last year after our lake trip and I chickened out so no one would think I’m a dork. I’m MUCH more comfortable in my dorkiness now!
*put a rock polisher on Christmas list*