I popped into Value Village today for a quick few minutes. I had kids waiting in the van but I had a couple of goals in mind and more minutes to spare than expected. I had a surprisingly successful shop in a very short period of time, coming out with a few books that Dekker and Laela have been asking for, and even Rowan is starting to get into. I got what I HOPE it going to be able to be my new butter dish (size pending) and I got a puzzle, since I actually have some time and capability to do them now! Second hand puzzles are always a gamble, but come on. This person cared a LOT about their puzzle. Bagged the edge pieces and everything.

I’m hopeful it’ll have all the pieces! 🤞
In amongst the shelves of kids chapter books, I happened upon a copy of one of my favorite books from growing up! I may have had my own copy back in the day, I can’t be sure one way or the other, but I have a memory of the one I read in childhood absolutely falling apart at the seam. And this copy it beautifully brand new!! For only $1.79, I had to snap it up!

Like my new specs? 🥸 Thanksmetoo!
After my short successful shop, I left to go complete my city trip, and was very shortly thereafter informed that Wavys winter boots have giant holes in the bottom. So. Back shopping I will go!
Tomorrow. Because whats one more day of wet feet? She can wear double socks in rubber boots for a day, lol!