A Speedy VV Shop

I popped into Value Village today for a quick few minutes. I had kids waiting in the van but I had a couple of goals in mind and more minutes to spare than expected. I had a surprisingly successful shop in a very short period of time, coming out with a few books that Dekker and Laela have been asking for, and even Rowan is starting to get into. I got what I HOPE it going to be able to be my new butter dish (size pending) and I got a puzzle, since I actually have some time and capability to do them now! Second hand puzzles are always a gamble, but come on. This person cared a LOT about their puzzle. Bagged the edge pieces and everything.

I’m hopeful it’ll have all the pieces! 🤞

In amongst the shelves of kids chapter books, I happened upon a copy of one of my favorite books from growing up! I may have had my own copy back in the day, I can’t be sure one way or the other, but I have a memory of the one I read in childhood absolutely falling apart at the seam. And this copy it beautifully brand new!! For only $1.79, I had to snap it up!

Like my new specs? 🥸 Thanksmetoo!

After my short successful shop, I left to go complete my city trip, and was very shortly thereafter informed that Wavys winter boots have giant holes in the bottom. So. Back shopping I will go!

Tomorrow. Because whats one more day of wet feet? She can wear double socks in rubber boots for a day, lol!

Rowan Turns Ten


Today is the day where Rowan has been with us for a decade! Ten full trips around the sun!

It has been the coolest year with Rowan. Like. I want to say his BEST. We have made some small changes to his medication, and guys, if you have a child who you relate to Rowan, get in touch with me, because we have found a game changer! For us, at least. For Rowan 💜 This boy can finally let down and LIVE!

And with that, we all can really get to know him. And guys, he is just SO easy to love. We’ve always known it, but we also know the pin can get pulled at a moments notice, and its scary to be in the splash zone. But now, there is no pin. There is no explosion. There are still ALL the emotions a person should have, but impulses are controlled so beautifully. The brain can process. And he can MANAGE his emotions. An example. This weekend, his parkour gym was having a speed competition, and Rowan really wanted us to register him. So we did! And fairly last minute, we were informed it was cancelled due to lack of entries. I dreaded telling him, but when I did, he dropped his head and was clearly disappointed, and then I heard him take in a deep breath and say “Well, those things happen. It’ll be ok. I have some skills I need to practice more anyway.” And that was that!!!

If times get tough, he will take his break, and come out and make his genuine apologies on his own. I can say with confidence that Rowan is thriving!! FINALLY!!!

Things Rowan loves!! Lego. Meccano. Building. Singing! Movie nights. Helping with jobs, and feeling responsible. Rowan is doing sound for the musical this fall. He does parkour once a week. He likes to help in the kitchen. He can keep a secret. Any wound can be healed with a joke.

If I could pinpoint it, I say Rowan loves to show love with acts of service, and he receives love through quality time.

Rowan is a total rockstar. He is SO dear to me, and I am incredibly grateful to know him, be close to him, and call him my child 💜 My middlest. My snuggliest. My determined, strong, motivated, passionate, hard working, self aware TEN year old boy!!!!

I love you, precious Rowan Toby. It has been an incredible year! I am really looking forward to whats to come for you 💜

Productive Without a Stove

We got more done today than I anticipated! It started with Laela going to a morning rehearsal for the school musical. Have I mentioned that on here yet?? Man its hard to keep straight what I have and haven’t shared! Anyway. She went there. I sent snacks for the cast since I forgot to follow up with parent volunteers to bring snacks. Whoops. But then we moved forward into the day! I put in two grocery orders, and we got further into the island renovation. I can’t wait to show you guys the change! Ack!!

As the morning progressed, our Costco order arrived, and it was a good sized one. Three boxes of diapers, plus a big thing of toilet paper, four packs of chicken breasts (a good sale!) and just a huge mess of fresh stuff. There wasn’t too much junk in there at all. Oh, except for the big bog of Lindor chocolates 😬 Definitely could’ve done worse though! Lol! It takes me a long time to finish up a Costco order. I cut apart things that come in multiples. Open up packages and unload things in a way that provides ease. Plus a couple veggie items I insist on splitting into lunch sized portions for everyone to take to school and work.

Once everything was put away, Brady was already on his way to Saskatoon to get bloodwork done. Chemo starts again next week, and the meds are not released to him without good happy bloodwork. So he did that and I tried to rest and put my feet up, but only got about 15 minutes of that before the babies rioted. And then Walmart showed up with more groceries 😅 So the rest wasn’t long, but it was something. I got those groceries put away without much fuss at all. It was a much smaller order than Costco.

Brady came home around the same time that Walmart did. We sipped some coffee together for a short time and then got back into the island work. I made the kids go play outside, lol! Dekker wanted to come in way sooner than I thought he should, so I told him he could home in if he was willing to work. And he said yes. So he did lots of entertaining the babies, and some help with the island as well.

Supper time crept up, and I was reminded that I don’t have a stove for a few days. So I pulled out my instant pot. That thing scares the heck out of me. It feels like a whole new thing to learn, so I’ve used it only a few times and rather, I choose to let it hold my kitchen dust, since I really want to preserve that. But today, I tried to be brave and I found a recipe for one pot spaghetti and meatballs, mostly because I found a bag of frozen meatballs in my freezer today when I was unpacking my ten ish bags of frozen broccoli. (I typed “broccoli” as “probably.” I am tired.) I had to relearn how to use the thing, but I have to hang it to that clunky old appliance – it made a great creamy spaghetti meal.

A spaghetti that I ate from the living room, trying to convince the newest family member to drink milk and stop crying. The life of having babies! I wouldn’t trade it!

Everyone is now in bed, and I am ready to lay in bed, and get pictures organized for a birthday blog tomorrow!! 🥳 Better late than never, right??

A Full Heart, Unexpectedly

I am feeling so richly blessed today. I was able to reconnect with our dear Morsel this afternoon 💜 I cannot explain all of the feelings that were floating around in the air. I had the expectation of dropping something off to the Morsels mom, rubbing the baby’s back, saying I loved them, and walking away. Instead, I was welcomed into their appointment with them. We bantered and she updated me on all kinds of goings on, milestones, and anecdotes. It felt warm and peaceful. The Morsel seemed confused, for sure, but not unhappy. Quizzical.

When the appointment was done, as we walked out, she offered for me to carry our Morsel. I thanked her and asked baby if that was ok. The moment the Morsel was in my arms, they reached their hands up and tenderly touched my face, a little smirk on their face. I barely could keep myself from completely giving in to tears. We walked to the front desk and while she spoke to reception, I asked and was granted the chance to take some pictures 💜 So we did that, and then watched the fish in the tank. It felt SO good to lay my eyes on the Morsel. And my hands! The unexpected softness from both mom and baby was incredibly thrilling for my heart.

As my overthinking mind wanders, all I can do is pray that I did it all as right as I could – that I didn’t overstep, or overwhelm, or that the Morsel didn’t struggle after we parted ways. I pray that she didn’t feel uncomfortable with our warm reunion, and that she remains open to knowing me and my family. BUT. I want what is best for the Morsel, however that looks. If this is the final visit, I couldn’t be more grateful 💜

Thank you Lord for this chance, and for working in the Morsels family 💜 I know you are there with them also. We praise Your name, no matter Your will.

A Work Day with Brady

Today felt like a really special day. Rae offered to take ALL EIGHT KIDS for the day, just to give me a day off 💜 Which was LOVELY! I went back and forth between having the laziest day I could imagine, and accomplishing a million tasks, kid-free. But when I floated an idea by Brady and he went for it, I knew we had chosen the right option. Brady took the day off from work, and we got into the island renovation!

I’m not going to show any pictures just yet 😬 Maybe that’s mean. I’m not sure. But it isn’t done yet! And it has to be done by Tuesday, because that’s when the new stovetop is being installed. So because I know the end date is soon, I think it’s best to wait. Right? I don’t actually know. It really isn’t this important, hahaha! 😂

Brady and I did break for some leftover KD and true crime for lunch. We snuggled up, old person style, dragging our recliners side by side, in the middle of the living room. We are dorks and I’m super ok with that.

We worked like crazy, had some lunch, worked some more, and then left to go pick up some supper! The place we had planned to go to was closed, which we did not expect. A crude sign was taped in the door that stated they were closed until a certain future date, and that was that. So rather, we picked up big Subway sandwiches and brought them home to eat later in our bed 🤣 which is the best place to indulge in too much food.

I picked the kids up from Rae just after we got home. Absolutely everyone was happy. There were fresh cookies in to-go containers. Babies were even bathed. It was amazing 💜 Thank you, Rae. There is NO WAY we could’ve gotten this much done without your kind offer.

Honourable mention goes out to the lovely man from our church who offered to come haul away our old island pieces and stove top. That saved us so much time and energy!

Everyone is down, and Brady and I are ready for supper! Off to bed we go! Lol!

Boy it feels like a weekend.

Sleep well, friends 💜

Island Progress

Today I began to disassemble the old island in anticipation of installing the newwwww one!! I unpacked the whole thing this morning and stacked it up on the camp table nearby. It made a huge mess, but such is renovations, I suppose!

This is the progress so far.


and now!

I also have gone inside the cabinets and tried to unscrew as much of the island top as I can find. However, the old stove top is now getting in my way. I can’t take the island top off because I can’t remove the stove top. Its a gas stove, so I can’t just casually unplug it. I have to leave some doors on to protect the lines from the babies, and I have to leave a shelf in so they can’t climb in from the other side. I SO wish I could get that thing out of my way so I could keep disassembling it but it appears I am at a standstill.

I suppose I will wait for the evening when Brady can do some of the dirty work. Le sigh.

I’m antsy. Somehow it just feels like the new island will bring a whole new level of “home” to our home. I can’t explain it, but I’m so stoked.


Twelve Dozen Muffins

I haven’t baked in a little bit, so the last couple of days, the kids have been scraping together granola bars, yogurt, and oranges for breakfast. There really could be worse fates. But today found us out of almost all of the above. We made it work, but it was clear we needed something else. I started to put together a grocery order but decided since I’m not a total dick, I wouldn’t put it in today. My van wouldn’t even start. I couldn’t ask someone to bring me groceries. I pep talked the kids about pitching in, and everyone was gung ho to be helpful in the kitchen or with the babies, and we got into the morning!

Together, the kids and I baked our usual batch of twelve dozen muffins! It guts me just a little bit that there is no muffin emoji, because I desperately want to line up 144 of them to prove my point. But alas. I cannot.

This will have to do.

Two dozen were packed up for someone else, and the rest went into bags for breakfasts for us! We go through at least 13 muffins each day. Six children eat two for breakfast, and one child eats one. One child doesn’t eat, lol! Thats all assuming Brady and I don’t have any, which we often don’t. So they loaded up in bags of 13 and into the freezer they went!

Dekker and Rowan were my bakers. Laela did dishes. Solly and Wavy hung with the babies. And it all got done! I’m really grateful for my crew 💜 They have reached ages where they are all quite helpful at times, and today that really shone.

Thank you Lord for my beautiful children, and also for providing for us to be able to have yummy breakfasts.

Family Day or Work Day

Today was Family Day, which means Brady is off work and the kids are off school. In order to actually get everyone to spend time together, I made a “no reading” rule right off the bat. I know, weird, right? But otherwise everyone just lays on couches or beds and stares their way books they’ve read over and over again. Its mindless and ridiculous, and some days, it puts them into that zombie mode like after people watch tv. You know the mode. So today – no reading.

So everyone found other things to do. Wavy and Laela holed up downstairs, listened to the Wicked soundtrack through the Echo, and danced and acted their way through each number, reliving the movie. Solly worked hard and accomplished his biggest puzzle ever!

He was so sure he wouldn’t get through all 220 pieces, and his ADHD fought hard, but he prevailed! He was SO proud of himself, and talked about it all day long. He also did a lot of helping with the babies. Sol is SO good with the babies!

Rowan went from puzzles to lego and back again, and eventually he came and helped Dekker and I with cabinet building!! We began the process of assembling our new island today! Ack! I can’t wait for that project to get going! I can’t wait for my new stovetop! But, before the stove comes the cabinets, and we got the boxes and drawers built today.

Meanwhile, Brady managed the babies, did a bunch of laundry, and even saved me from a cold room disaster in the basement.

We had the pleasure of seeing Rae and one of her daughters this afternoon as well, who popped by to see my beautiful face our newest addition. It was good to share air again 💜 Its been a while.

Everyone kept busy, and spent time with others. My mom brought us sloppy joes for supper, which was a total hit, and it was really nice to not only spend that time together, but also to not have to make it 😅

It was a huge day. This week holds some important stuff, and more things always come up. Thank you Lord for providing us with jobs to do, a house to keep, food to eat, children to teach and enjoy, games to play, and so many beautiful people to love 💜 We are richly blessed.

To Kick Off the Break

As many of you know, this coming week is a no school kind of week! February break. Winter break. Reading week. Call it what you will. But, its an “everyone is home every single day” kind of week! And while I LOVE my children, it has certainly been a long cold stretch around here, and I’ll admit to having some apprehension surrounding being home all together day after day 😬

But! I have some ideas, and I think it’s going to be ok. There are ways to keep busy and be a little bit less in each other’s faces. It’s really the idle time that kills ya, you know? Anyway.

This weekend hasn’t been our smoothest, and Brady and I felt grossly unmotivated to go to church. And it was also just brutally cold, so we were even less inclined to leave the house. But we decided to go after all, because not only do we really want to nurture the routine during the months outside of camping season, but also for the change of scenery.

And it was good that we went. It was nice to get out to chat with others and listen to a service. We’re always a little bit of a sideshow getting out of the church, today especially with two baby bucket seats. But never in a rude way. I never feel like watched watched. It’s always quite loving.

We got home, had sandwiches and snackies, and took a load off for the afternoon. The babies all napped well at the same time. I finished a puzzle.

…and started another.

It was really relaxed. It wound down fairly well, also. But with that said, I am ready to tuck in the rest of the hooligans and go tuck myself into bed. I’m looking forward to eating a snack and watching a bit more of the new OJ Simpson docuseries.

Sleep well, all, and enjoy your family days tomorrow, however they look 💜

New Family

We had the opportunity to welcome some of LDs family into our home for the morning! It was SO fun and a truly special time together 💜 I hope we have many more visits like this morning. I want to nurture the heck out of those relationships. It was a beautiful morning!

The afternoon was far more challenging, and personally, I struggled pretty hard for the rest of the day. Lots of factors played into it. I was discouraged about some home reno stuff not working out well. I was upset about some strain between a kid and I. Everything was messy. I miss my Morsel. It’s just. Hard times.

I had a soak. I crocheted a little bit in my room, away from everyone. Brady started supper, and we watched some Ninja Warrior while we ate. I puzzled.

I got to have a nice snuggle with Dekker before bed. I hope he never stops wanting me to tuck him in 💜 I LOVE that.

Finally, all the kids are down for the night. My ponytail is out and my head is pounding. Brady is making us a little treat while I type this out. It has been quite a day, and I am tired, but I am grateful for many things. The morning full of action and games. Great leftovers at lunch. The ability to buy new things to improve our home. Hot baths with yummy smells. Crocheting. Netflix. Puzzles. Bacon and eggs. Warm beds. Dessert. The promise of God’s love each and every day. Not necessarily in that order…

Going to take some Tylenol to help take the edge off of this headache, and do some letting down.

Goodnight, all 💜