We got out for a walk as a family yesterday evening. It was SO nice and SO refreshing. I was a little nervous as we headed out that we’d run into people along the way, but everyone seemed to be on the same page and kept to the other side of the street. Not long ago, I would’ve felt insulted by that, haha! Now, I’m just appreciative. SUCH strange, hesitant times.
It was beautiful out! Everyone wore jackets, toques, and mitts, but there was no need for snow pants or anything particularly warm. My little family just added to the beauty 😍

Usually, when we go for a walk, we walk around our little nearby pond once or twice, but not yesterday. The road was almost completely dry, but the path to the pond was totally snowed over. Stroller? Wagon? Sled? We didn’t know 🤷♀️ So we opted to skip the pond and just walk down the street and see how far we got.
We ended up going the length of still another street, and then all the way back. We only had one kid say they were tired, and that was right before we got home. At one point, we walked past Laela’s teachers house. She asked if we could go knock on the door and say hi. I reminded her that we weren’t supposed to really be around anyone right now, and she asked if we could just do it maybe super quick. I told her I was sorry, but no, we couldn’t. Her chin quivered a little, and I took her hand as we walked on. She looked up and me and smiled. It was some good unspoken communication between us. I’m trying to just be grateful she loves her teacher so much, and not sorrow so hard for her loss.
We got home after a LONG walk, and everyone was just feeling so great. Invigorated, it seemed. And it was oddly early. We made great time! So we opted to get everyone ready to for bed and then watch some music videos downstairs on the comfy couches. That was a pretty solid choice. Not the highest quality of photo, but you get the gist.

Everyone was nice and worn out, and we enjoyed a little music as everyone wound down. It was kind of the perfect evening. Getting outside, breathing fresh air, laying eyes on a few people we really love (ie: my mom, a few of our neighbours) and listening to music and snuggling up together.

I’m really thankful for my relationship with Brady in all of this. He makes the whole quarantine thing feel slightly less ominous, because I genuinely love spending the days with him! As much as work is important, I’m very thankful he has this coming week off, and that we can just breathe together.
In case you’ve lost track, today is Sunday 😉 Have a beautiful end to your weekend, however your next week looks.