I cannot believe my sweet, honest, sensitive, responsible, warm, wise oldest son is NINE today.

His last year of single digits. I am immensely proud of my son, as I always have been, but this boy has went through a world of change in the last year!

Dekker’s grade three year was spent in a 3/4 split, and it grew him up beautifully! He went from a non-reader to someone who crushes a Boxcar Children book in a day and a half. He LOVES to read, and reads ahead of his level now! He learned better what he needs for himself when he gets upset, and it able to regulate his emotions a bit smoother than he was in the past. I was puffed with pride when his teacher would call to tell me about a WIN for him!!
My little guy with all the firsts. He broke his collarbone this last year! It was kind of incredible to watch him figure himself out in that time. He did crafts, took naps, and was very easy on himself. He stayed home for about a week, which was suggested to me was a longer time to wait. But when he was ready to go back, he told me. When he was ready to lose the sling, he told me. When he was ready to lift things again, he told me. He knew what he needed. He’s really maturing. Its just crazy to watch.
Dekker remains my oldest soul. He is an incredible big brother, care giver, thinker, worker, tickler, helper, and friend. He loves to bike, snuggle, cook, build Lego, and read. He loves space and science and construction and babies and speculating. Lol! He is a deep thinker. Rational. Practical. No nonsense. Until there’s nonsense 😉 Sometimes he loves it.
I truly couldn’t be more proud of him.

Until next year, when I say I’ve never been prouder of him 😆
Goodness, child, I love you. I hope you have the happiest of birthdays.