Today is Rowan’s first day of kindergarten!

And now, there are three.

We walked as a family to take Rowan to his first day of school. He had told me earlier that he was excited, but also a little shy and nervous. A few times over breakfast, he said quietly “I’m not sure if I want to go.” But he was stoked to get ready and go, so I hoped for the best.

Dekker and Laela walked with us to Rowan’s drop off spot, as it’ll be their responsibility to get him to and from soon enough, and then they took off for their own rooms. I actually didn’t love how that went, because Rowan immediately got shy and shoved his face into my body and leaned it hard, and I didn’t really get to say goodbye to the big kids because Rowan was basically knocking me over.

It was hard dropping Rowan off. He is not a shy guy. I dont know whether he was actually truly shy for his first time ever, or if he was wanting attention, or a healthy mix of both, but he wasn’t having it. He stuffed his face into my stomach and under my jacket, and wouldn’t even try to talk to the teachers or other kids. I was flustered, but I reminded myself that this is not the first time a kid has been apprehensive to get dropped off at school, so I took my time.
By “took my time,” I mean I took Rowan’s time, and that time was forever. Haha! He was SO grouchy and nervous, and refused to consider his options. Meanwhile, Solly blew past any and all borders, and went over to the sand pit, played toys with the other kids, and made friends with one of the teachers. She seemed pretty enamoured with him, actually 🙂 It was cute. I convinced Rowan out of his backpack and into the sectioned off area for the kindergarten students. I finally got his head removed from my squishy tummy and got his hand in a death grip rather. Progress. There was a big sand area set up, where special things were hidden in the sand to find. A little ways the other direction were some trucks, and a stack of big sticks that had been built into a cave.
Sand or sticks. That was the question. And Rowan would not decide. I finally came up with what I thought was the golden ticket. I offered for him to just go sit beside one of his teachers. He didn’t have to talk or even play right away. He could just go sit by an adult who I knew would help him settle in. But nah. He wouldn’t have that either.
I worked SO HARD to be gentle and slow with him, but it was becoming fruitless, where he wasn’t even really trying. He was just being stubborn. So I kept it soft, but I was blunt.
“Rowan, the bell rang a while ago. School has started. I don’t want to rush you, but we need to leave. You need to choose. Sand or sticks.”
Complete silence. No response. Brows.
“I think the sticks and trucks are more your game. I think you should start over there.”
Nothing. No response. So we sat for a minute. And finally, he says:
“I don’t think there are even any trucks for me.”
I glanced over at the group of little boys by the sticks, and I saw a little pile of untouched trucks, free for the taking! I pointed to them, and he willingly walked over with me. It turned into a short jog, he grabbed the one he wanted, and flew onto the ground, driving it madly around himself. It was clear to me in that moment that he had chosen to be brave and dive in!
I visibly deflated, for the benefit of the adults paying attention to Rowan, and we shared a little laugh. The principal cheered “Perseverance!” Lol! We had done it!! HE had!
From there, he was ok 🙂 He totally happily wore his mask, and I gave him a smooch through it before I left. I kept an eye on him as we rounded the corner to go home, but he wasn’t even looking. VICTORY!!!
I waited all day for a call from the school, but none came. We went as a family to go retrieve him, and were greeted with the perfect news that Rowan had an excellent first day!

He liked playing outside, made some new friends, and got acquainted with his teachers. He had absolutely nothing bad to say!

Of course, the moment we arrived, he was brutally shy of his teachers, but that makes sense to me 🙂 I am SO relieved he had a good day!! GIGANTIC thanks to his teachers for showering him with love and reassurance!
Thank you, Lord, for covering my children, and helping them get through hard things!!