I should have added this to yesterday’s post, but I forgot, so here it is today!
Dekker is a funny guy. If everything could always be a joke, he’d be stoked. He decided yesterday as I put his lunch together that he needed it to be Halloween themed somehow. Now, I know some of you folks are super on the ball with that sort of thing. I am not. And my kids know it. They still get yummy food, don’t worry. Its just not cut into special shapes. So rather than feel bad about myself, the kids and I brainstormed how each piece of Dekker’s lunch was spooky or festive.
I made Dekker a ham and cheese wrap. We figured, because it was wrapped, it was a mummy.
(Yes, everyone was satisfied with this joke. This is our level of humor.)
We figured the cheese string could be kind of like cheese webs for spiders.
The granola bar was tricky. Finally, I said “granola barrrrrf? Boom. There it was. Barf. Seriously, parents, make a gross/potty joke ones in a while. A fart joke is ideal. Kids LIVE for those.
Aaaaand then the banana. My masterpiece. Behold, the baninja.

Yes, friends, this is how we joke around here. And I love it. My kids still think I’m funny, and they’re adopting my bizarre dry sense of humor. I’m so glad, haha!
I’m definitely no Pinterest mom, but my kids love me, and I love them. I know with confidence that moms who rock the Pinterest game have children who they love who love them, too! NO knocks on mom’s who put in that beautiful extra effort!!! But I admit, I’m relieved that my mom type fits the bill for my family 💜 They deserve the very best.