So. It has been a GIANT week. Thats a big duh.
At this exact time last week, he was still under the knife, having his big fat tumour cut off of his spinal cord, under multiple microscopes, with a team of neurosurgeons and neurologists standing by.
And now we’re here.
Brady is 100% himself.
My plan is always to visit him for 11:00 am, but I could only see him at noon today. However, mid morning, he texted me and said he had physical therapy at 10:45. I left the house within minutes, but knew I’d at least be late.
There’s a pretty long story here about the parking lot being fuller than ever, and having to navigate other levels and getting super lost, taking forever, and then getting hopelessly lost on the ground level of the hospital, trying to find the PT gym. Finally I stuck my head into an Occupational Therapy office and asked for help. They asked if I was a patient and I said my husband was. She lovingly took my arm and led me through the offices and got me there.
I entered the gym just as Brady sat down.
From walking!!!
I am completely devastated I missed it but SO AMPED that it happened!!!!!
First, Brady did some “walking” on a sit stand machine. So, picture handles that move like an elliptical, but he’s sitting, and he’s stepping kind of out in front of himself. Does that make sense? He was on that for a stretch, his feet strapped in, and he was able to stop using his arms and his legs kept going!!! He figured he used it for maybe ten minutes. That is AMAZING!!
Then they brought him back to the parallel bars, and stood him up. He and his PT both noticed that he was trusting his legs a little more. So they decided to take steps. I wish I had a picture, but as I mentioned, I didn’t have the pleasure of being there. He walked the entire length of the parallel bars, and then BACK the other way, someone in front of him, and someone behind with his chair, ready to catch him. When I arrived, he was red and sweaty, but smiling!
I was thrilled to get there with any appointment left at all, and his PT celebrated when she saw me! “You made it!!” I did!
They right away took him over to a cardio type thing for him to strengthen his arms and core, and his PT actually pulled a chair up for me and crossed the gym to make some notes on her own. It was really really lovely. Brady concentrated on keeping a straight back, and rocked his exercise while chatting with me. I got to wheel him back to his room on my own. It felt oddly ok. Something we could get used to pretty simply.
However, I brought him back to his room, and then had to leave because it wasn’t my visiting slot yet. Merp. He got out of his chair and into his bed completely independently!! Thats HUGE!

I enjoyed a walk to and from and to and from the Dube Centre, and then it was time to see him!
Thank you, loving friends, for the treats.

It was a really nice visit, but my accomplished husband was so tired, so I called it early.
Lots of change afoot. Thank you for all the amazing encouragement on yesterdays post on Brady’s progress! It was thrilled to read all of your comments and felt SO cared for. Please keep the prayers flowing for our family.