We haven’t had a mask-free outing in a LONG time, and today was that beautiful day!! 😍
First I got my legs and warms waxed, and then since we were already that far into Saskatoon, we went all the way to stonebridge for a few more errands!
Value Village got us some sweat shorts, a really good quality pan, and a pair of shoes I can actually wear socks in. My little slip ons are not meant for socks.
Home Depot set us up with a sledge hammer for the lake. I’ll tell you about that more another day.
Walmart had everything. Some tin pans for on the barbecue. Boost drinks. Cereal. Crackers. A whisk for the lake. Pads. Biodegradable shampoo. Soup. Yarn. Always yarn.
Subway for lunch, thanks to gift cards that our compassionate life insurance lady gave us in a care package.
From there, we hit the other Value Village, but didn’t find what we needed. We did, however, find another pair of shoes for Brady.
To M&M Meats for treats for Cher’s upcoming birthday! Again, thanks to gift cards we’ve been given. I told Cher what we chose, and out of the five items, she says she’ll for sure eat at LEAST five of them! 🖐️

Off to Bourbon Barbershop to get Brady’s beard oil replenished. The hospital living made his skin SO dry that he had a ton of flaking out from under his beard. I think we’ve caught up to it now, but he uses this great oil to keep everything flake free and smelling great!
Lastly, we went to URO-Med to FINALLY pick up his own FES machine. FES stands for functional electrical stimulation. Its a machine that basically works out the muscles that he cannot make move on his own. He’s used one during and since rehab, but has had a mess of a time getting one for himself that works! Today, it finally all lined up, and he has it! Thank you, Lord!! To boot, we also got to chat with a couple people who worked at URO-Med and made some good contacts. What a resource!
We grabbed iced coffee and went home.
And now, we are finished, hahaha! Oof! It was a GREAT, EXHAUSTING day that we were SO grateful to to spend together!
But tomorrow – tomorrow we rest.