Simply the BEST Nativity Scene

At least a month ago, I was in Value Village, looking through all the Christmas stuff, and I came upon the most hilarious nativity scene EVER! It was laughable, homemade, and just so so sooooo ugly. Definitely the artistic abilities that only a mother could love.

Then, just days ago, I was back at VV and – lo and behold – it was still there!!! Cher was with me, and we were laughing SO hard, debating whether or not either of us in all of our poorness could justify this purchase. In that moment, an elderly lady came by and insisted we use on of her coupons so we could buy it. So, for $3, plus a coupon, it came home with me.

Maybe that kids mother didn’t love this nativity scene, but THIS mother does!!!

So you’ll notice that Mary is STOKED to have just given birth to the Son of God. Like, STOKED! I can’t guarantee I would be quite so friendly after labouring on a camel, but I love that this kid had that in mind. Meanwhile, Joseph…

It appears he is a touch camera shy, but also quite delighted with the birth of his son.

Its an altogether happy scene, and I have zero regrets bringing it home. Someone needed to love it. And I do.


Also, fun fact. I tried to post this to a Facebook page centred specifically around funny second hand finds, but it was deemed too religious, and my post was declined 😂 Goodness. We can’t even laugh at this without being offended?! Yikes yikes yikes. I hope you can all share a laugh with me either way!


Cher here!


This semester Hailey has been helping me once or twice a month by coming with me to the Health Science Building on campus and staying in my car so I don’t have to pay for parking, just to run inside for a moment.

Today was the last day we had to do this so I wanted to treat her to something out of the ordinary!! Good thing Tim Horton’s resides within the building and it was on the way! I got us coffees, a bagel to CHER, and ten TimBiebs!

There are three new flavours:
1. Birthday Cake Waffle
2. Sour Cream Chocolate Chip
3. Chocolate White Fudge

We opened them up on the drive home and tasted them.

The first one we tried was Birthday Cake Waffle because sprinkles inside.

4/5 because the aesthetic wasn’t birthday enough on the outside, however it was DELICIOUS.

The second one was Sour Cream Chocolate Chip.

3/5 Yummy but average. Tasted like a muffin.

Last, we had the Chocolate White Fudge.

5/5 It was extra chocolatey the outside was fancy too.

So if any of you were curious about these, you don’t have to feel bad if you leave out Sour Cream Chocolate Chip.

Have a great Tuesday!

Toque Block

I’ve been in blanket mode this year, crocheting tenish blankets so far this year. I still have a few on the go that need to be completed in the next couple of weeks, and then I’ll show you more 😉 But with ALL the blanket talk, I’ve had some toque orders that I’ve struggled to fill. Toques used to be my jam, and they still are, but my focus has been SO elsewhere this year that coming up with ideas has been harder than anticipated! Toque block.

My first successful set of the season made me SO happy. It really came together nicely. Its well fitted, very soft, and I can tell the pattern makes a nice warm item. I won’t show everything I’ve made, but there’s one, anyway!

A recent order had me all turned around, and it took three tries to get it right! 😅Now that I am CONFIDENT I have things done right, I have two castoffs that I can’t bring myself to pull out or chuck. I made Dekker model them for me. You’re welcome.

Maybe neon is your thing. I do mean NEON 😎The camera wouldn’t pick all the colours up properly, but sunglasses are required for the yellow. So maybe neon is your thing. Maybe its your kids thing. Maybe its the thing of a teenager you know, or just a young kid with a melon head. If it is, hit me up, I’m your girl. The striped one is smaller. Trees are bigger. Though really, if anyone wanted these styles in different sizes, I can help you with that. Both styles are tightly stitched, producing a nice, warm hat.

If anyone would want them, for now or for Christmas, speak now ✋If not, thats cool, too!

Now, excuse me while I get back to crocheting. As I said, I have blankets I’ve got to get to!

New Creativity

I have been enjoying secretly dipping into some new creative outlets. Its been fun to meet some new challenges head on through art in which I have never dabbled. I’ll share it with you soon, I’m sure 💜Its really overtaken my brain the last while. But these last couple days, I have been elbow deep back into crocheting, and as odd as it sounds, I’m truly happy I enjoy it so much. There is just something relieving about creating something beautiful in a time that feels significantly less beautiful, or smooth, or successful. But God knows what we need. As always.

If you’re looking for me, I’m either crocheting on the recliner, or wrapped in a blanket, working on a new project. Either way, I’m so grateful to have ways to keep busy that are comforting and relaxing and creative.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me all You have.

Rae’s Chicken

Our friends across the street have a parrot. Having a bird inside the house was a very new development for our kids when she was new, but they’ve become accustomed to her over time. It wasn’t all too long ago that Solly was touring Wavy around their house and pointed out their bird.

“See that? That’s Rae’s chicken.”

And on they went! It was SO casual. Meanwhile Rae and I were cracking up in the kitchen at how nonchalant he was. As if having a chicken inside would be completely acceptable.

I’ve chatted with their bird, Dezi, a number of times recently. She just kind of stares at me, but she used to be more frightened of me, and she’d puff up all big and intimidating. Not anymore! Today, she actually greeted me back.

Hello, Dezi.


I felt like we were officially friends!

Earlier this week, I happened to be around, and I walked over to her cage to check on her. She turned her head to the side, and then she started dancing! You know that dorky, bouncing bird dance? She just went for it! It was SO cute! I imitated her, and she kept going! I had a good giggle.

Happy Dance GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

She’s a good little birdy.

I like feeding her peanuts. Like a treat. Like she’s a puppy.

Its been nice getting to know her a bit better recently.

Brady’s Appointments

Brady had two appointments this week, so it feels like an appropriate time to update all of our supportive people of the goings on.

The first appointment was with Brady’s physiatrist. We first met with a nurse, then two residents, and then the doctor. It was a long appointment where they went through all kinds of sensitivity tests on Brady, similar to the beginning of his stay at rehab. They broke a tongue depressor in half and poke him with the sharper end to see how sensation changed inch by inch down his torso. There is a very specific line where feeling goes from 100% to 20% to 0%, yet that spot is a liiiiittle bit different from side to side. There were lots of reflex tests and strength tests. The basic “don’t let me push you, don’t let me push you” stuff. There was a five point rating scale of strength, and his right leg tested at five for absolutely everything. The resident just laughed and said “Is five plus a thing?” Surprisingly, his right leg, the one with far less control, tested at four for a number of the exercises!! What a pleasant surprise! The only thing Brady couldn’t really do at all on the right side was move his foot side to side. The leg, sure, but not the foot. His right ankle is definitely his weakest point, and not all of his right leg muscles fire anymore. Not to say they never will, but that is the current state of his mobility.

His appointment took an unexpected turn when his doctor asked him to walk unaided. Now, this can be done, but it isn’t done because it is HARD and takes a mountain of energy and concentration. And realistically, Brady shouldn’t walk unaided because his muscles aren’t up for it, and he would have to walk “wrong.” It does him no favors. But the doctor just asked for it, so I stood with him with a hand out for him to grab it he lost his balance, and he walked back and forth across the exam room. I admit, though I really liked the doctor we saw, I had some brief eye roll moments when he critiqued Brady’s walking, saying it was unstable. Dude, if it was stable, he’d be walking… And he isn’t. Because it isn’t. But the main point was that the doctor noted how Brady walks on his toes, and that if his knee ever were to give out, he would hit the floor. He started talking about getting Brady’s AFO (ankle foot orthosis/brace) changed. Now, Brady’s AFO was custom made and fit and tweaked numerous times to get it exactly right for what he needed. The doctor wanted to bring it back to square one, fusing it back into one solid piece where he couldn’t bend his ankle anymore. That was something that was necessary several months ago, but he has progressed since then. It was TOO fixed before, to the point where it got in his way, and if Brady needed to be up and around, he would take it off. The doctor wanted to bring it back to that point, which was discouraging to both Brady and I. We expressed this, and he was willing to meet us in the middle, and just make a modification to it so he would have less movement, but not take it all away. We conceded, and he said he would make a note to contact Saskabilities on the subject.

Also in that appointment, it was noted that the tone in Brady’s right leg was vastly worse than we realized. Muscle tone is a good thing, but it can go too far, which is what has happened to Brady. His hamstring is SO tight, it is next to impossible to get his leg to extend fully. Which is likely part of why he walks the way he does. So changing the brace would force his foot/ankle into a more appropriate position, but we also need to tweak his meds a little bit. He had a medication that helped a lot with spasticity in his legs, but as time has gone on, his spasticity has improved greatly, and he’s gone way down in that medication. But apparently that medication is also important for tone, and he needs more. So a small tweak should do the trick. Thats not especially worrisome.

All things considered in that appointment, they told us that we are people they consider to be “making it.” They were all very happy with how much Brady can do, the strength he has, and the team we make. We were encouraged in a lot of ways. It was a successful appointment that I was happy to be there for.

The very next day, Brady and I went back to the hospital for an outpatient rehab appointment. If you remember from weeks back, Brady’s therapist changed, and we learned that we had to take some monumental steps back. It was terribly discouraging, and I felt very out of the loop. Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting his new therapist, and we really got along well! She asked what we wanted to tackle in PT, and we started talking a bit about Brady’s appointment the day before. We got into the discussion about his AFO being changed, and everyone agreed that it was a little hasty. Brady walked unaided to show his therapist what the doctor had seen, but then he walked with a crutch, and he was significantly more stable. Again, Brady doesn’t walk unaided, and his therapist knows this. She was, however, able to see what the doctor had noted about how his foot/ankle aren’t as straight as they should be. She agreed with the bump in his spasticity medication, but was hesitant with changing his AFO. It felt so good to have her on our side. She brought over a different brace to try that she thought might solve our problem, and it felt SO much smoother for Brady. Its a very light, streamlined brace that doesn’t have a full hinge on the ankle, but it had some flex. Its a way thinner brace, and I think Brady would be WAY more inclined to wear it than the big one he has now. The one he has now is super heavy duty, which was very necessary when he got it, but its a bit overkill at the moment. He has to wear bigger shoes. He can’t get pants over it well. Its just huge. But the one he tried in rehab yesterday was incredible. SO much potential there. His therapist was really happy to have found a middle ground for us, and she said she would personally talk to the doctor and make sure he was on board. Beyond that, we should be able to go to Saskabilities and pick this new brace up! Its not a custom fitted brace, but it will be bent up a bit and fitted to his leg. Its simpler, in the best of ways. I’m excited!

Physio was successful all around. His exercises went well. He is very strong, and it shows. He can move his ankle more than he could even a couple of weeks ago. Things are working. And his therapist is SO knowledgable. I was so grateful to be able to meet her and interact with her. She never made me feel in the way or like I shouldn’t be there. It was a good appointment and I hope very much to make it to the next one.

Its been the busiest week we’ve had in a long time, and as it wraps up, chemo begins today! We can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us!

The Band is Back Together

Covid may have stolen our coffeehouse gigs for a time, but Brady, Carrie, and I were asked to sing a Christmas set for a group of ladies next week. It has been a LONG time since we’ve played and sang together. My heart was so full as we sat in each others presence and chatted, played, chorded, figured, and sang.

Having not practiced together in so long, we were a little rusty, but it came back before we knew it, and we’re confident it’ll come together in time. The singing isn’t the hard part, though, and thats the bulk of my part. I know Carrie and Brady have more practicing ahead of them than I do 😬

We had our youngest kids together while we practiced, and they did great in the basement together for a bit. Then they came up, both a little quiet and suspicious, haha! But it wasn’t long before they were back together, reading books.

It was a very cute afternoon. Kids were cute. Music was good. Fellowship was had. What more could a person ask for?

What is a Physiatrist?

A couple of days ago, Brady got a phone call from City Hospital saying he had a physiatrist appointment scheduled.

We had never heard that title before! Have you? What in the world is a physiatrist?

So. Learning time. A physiatrist is a physician who specializes in rehabilitation and physical medicine. That includes things like brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular, sports injuries, pain management, and everything in between. They are busy, and specialized. Today, we met Dr. Linassi.

Brady’s mouth 😆

It was a pretty long appointment, but we went through the motions with a nurse, then two residents, and then the doctor himself. That man was a ball of energy, let me tell you!! But he was fun. When he came in for his part of the appointment, he insisted the residents sat in the chairs. I was seated in the other chair, and Brady was on the exam table, so the doctor helped himself to Brady’s wheelchair. I LOVED that! He really seemed to burst at the seams with information and energy, but he had lots to offer, and he was so happy with how Brady was doing. Everyone in the room agreed that we were “making it.” Dr. Linassi exclaimed “You can void independently??” and came a big thumbs up. It was pretty great, actually, to have someone celebrate those victories with us. Its stuff people don’t think about, which is fine, but in the world of spinal cord injuries, Brady is doing better than many they see come through their facility, for which we are incredibly grateful 💜

The appointment was a long one, but we thank Cher for offering to hang with the kids so we could go together. We would always rather go to these things together, and it was a really lovely thing.

Today’s appointment ✔️
Blood draw ✔️

Tomorrow’s rehab appointment –
Pick up chemo for weekend –

Please continue to carry us in prayer.

A Bestie Date

Today was a much anticipated day away 💜Last week, Cher invited me to spend some time at her house, getting our craftiness on, alongside some delicious food and guilty pleasure tv. And that day finally came! Once the four kids had left for school, Cher came to pick me up for the day.

I was told to arrive hungry, and that I did. And good thing! While we watched Christmas episodes of our favorite shows, Cher cooked up some apple cinnamon perogies and bacon, with iced coffee on the side. It. Was. Delicious. Those perogies were unreal. Seriously, sprinkled with some icing sugar. Superb.

Lunch was battered shrimp and pickles done up in the air fryer, with a jones soda on the side. Deeeeelicious!

Are you drooling yet?

We watched through all of the Christmas episodes from the Office, Parks and Rec, and Schitts Creek, and then we got a hankering for some Crazy Rich Asians, so we watched that. Meanwhile, I finished off one project and started another, and Cher worked on her project. We talked and watched and worked and ate and generally just soaked up each others awesomeness. We were productive, but relaxed, and completely enjoyed our time together. Yes, I am so confident that I’m speaking for both of us! It was a beautiful day together.

Thank you, Cher, for inviting me over for the day 💜 I anticipate more of these in the future! I love you!

To Our Little *insert noun here*

I don’t know what to call you. An angel. A little birdy. A nifty gifty fairy. An elf. Or a thoughtful neighbour and caring friend.

I don’t know who you are, but you do.


Yesterday afternoon, as I sat on my recliner and crocheted, I heard the squeak of our mailbox. I looked up to see you gingerly walking down our ramp towards your vehicle. We can always hear people walking up our ramp, so you had to have been walking very carefully, very quietly. Good move. Once you were off the ramp, you jogged to your vehicle, got into the passengers side, and off you went.

I saw the back of you. Your hair was really nicely done. I love the colour, by the way. I saw your jacket. And I saw your car. Also very nice. I worked to place you, but I couldn’t. Your sneak attack mission was a success.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I immediately got up from my chair and went to check the mail. I suspected a Christmas card, perhaps, or maybe someone was dropping something off that you had borrowed.

And what I found was a gift. A present. A thoughtful one. For Brady and I.

Jammie shorts. Festive jammie shorts. Festive jammie shorts with trees. And elves. In wheelchairs.

I had posted a shorty rant on Facebook the other day about how much pajamas cost, and it became a whole conversation among friends. I had zero expectation of anyone buying these shorts for us.

Yet I can say that having them is SO incredible. Not just because they’re something I want because soft and Christmas and flannel and whatever. But because they’re a first for us. Inclusive clothing, if you will. Who’s to say none of Santa’s elves are in wheelchairs? No one knows for sure 😉

Maybe it doesn’t make all the sense in the world, but it feels like we’re representing 💪and I’m proud to be.

So is Brady 😂

He wasn’t ready to be in boxers in front of my mom, hahaha! But you’d better believe he rocked his boxers over his sweats for the rest of the day!

We tried to take selfies but it didn’t work out, lol!

Whoever you are, you brought some real joy to our home yesterday, and again today, and likely for many days in the future. Your thoughtfulness is immeasurable, and your generosity the same. I will politely bow out of the search for you, because I know that isn’t the point, but please know how much we appreciate your gift and your heart. Thank you for wanting to bless us. We feel it.

Love Hailey and Brady