Its been a strange day. And its not even over.
Wavy was looking terribly cute tho!

So today was a day we took yet another kid in for a PCR. This one.
Mr. Rowan spiked a fever out of nowhere a couple of days ago. REALLY hot, REALLY fast. He didn’t cry or complain, but he was just suuuper low key. Very sleepy and snuggly. We had plans to get Brady a PCR today, so we just lumped Rowan into that without issue.
You may have noticed we’ve been able to get PCRs a lot quicker than many. Yes, we have found a way, and we are overwhelmed with gratefulness yet again to have so many people looking out for us and loving us the way they do 💜
So that was all today! First, we took Brady for his chemo bloodwork. They usually send out the info and blood req weeks before we need it, and we’ve often forgotten it at home, leaving Brady outside the blood clinic, calling for forms to be faxed on the spot. Its not fun for anyone. So the last couple of months, I’ve taken his blood form and stuck it right into the glove box in the van so we don’t forget it. This time around, on our drive in, I pulled it out to make sure we had the right one, and it was the right form, but they had handwritten the wrong dates on it! So we were left scrambling anyway. But it all came together in the end.
For those wondering, yes, you can still get blood drawn if you’re a close contact. Or even if you have covid! Which, up to this point anyway, Brady does not. He just called ahead and as he got in, they cleared the entire waiting area and put him through immediately, everyone dressed in full PPE. I’m sure he felt like he stood out a lot, but frankly, thats something we’re all used to now, so its not a big deal. At least it got done.
Then we found our way over to get PCRs. Brady went first. Easy peasy. Rowan was next, and I will admit I was the most nervous for his. I had him on my lap, and he had a stuffed toy in hand. And he didn’t flinch. I swear, my jaw hit the floor. Like he didn’t move AT ALL. He didn’t even make a sound. He just was fine! There was a little resistance with the swab, so I know it didn’t feel good, and he handled it like a champ!! Amazing job, Rowan! I could not be more proud of you!!!
When we got home, we got all the kids inside and Brady helped them get a snack. I went back out and shovelled. Now, to be clear, I have BARELY had to shovel this season! We are SO well cared for! But today it was just clear that there was too much snow and Brady couldn’t safely get in and out of the house no matter which direction he went. I carried his wheelchair from the back of the van, through the drifts, up into the entrance, and then up into the house. Doing it this way makes life SO much easier for Brady in terms of trying to get it past everything and everyone, plus it didn’t get set anywhere wet once. So this ideal, but its a decent haul. Once that was done, I went back to shovel. And I’ll admit, I had a big fat cry as I did it. Not because I was having a pity party. But because its just hard here. Not to put too fine a point on it. So many things would be made easier in our next home if we could just build it. It would be landscaped in a way where the driveway would lead to a bigger garage that could fit our bus in it, and it would be completely level with the house, entrance, and main floor. We’d be able to back into our garage, and Brady could get in his chair right from there and go right into the house. Easy. SO much easier. No rocks to try and shovel over, either. Man. I know God has a plan, and I trust it, and Him, completely. But I admit, I’m eager to know what it is.
We cannot always have what we want the moment we want it. And thats ok. But it doesn’t mean we can’t have a cry (or a million cries) along the way.

There is lots to be thankful for. So if you’re looking for me, I’ll be crocheting and listening to Hamilton. Thank you to ALL the lovely people who gifted us Starbucks money while Brady was away 💜 I still have a little left, and could afford myself a latte. What a treat!