After having a conversation the other day about how badly we still need to move, I find myself newly fired up to speak up for my family and try to find a solution.
We find ourselves in and around tax time. As self-employed people, securing a mortgage is hugely dependant on two good tax years. That reassures your lender that you’re good at your job, consistent with receiving income, and reliable to pay money back. Its completely justified. And at this point, once taxes are done, we are giving away one of those tax years. Now, behind us, we have ONE good tax year, and one income-free year.
Well then, guys, get some income!
Cool. Yup, that sounds good.
Except its not that simple.
Forgive me if I’m repeating myself and you know all this. Bear with me.
The amount of disability benefits we receive per year does not even come close to what we need to survive. Maybe six months. No more than that. Brady still deeply desires to work and provide for his family! But, the cutoff is 6K. After that, he loses all disability payments.
Read that again.
If Brady is well enough to make $500 per month, he no longer qualifies for disability benefits. None.
Dumb, right?
In order to get a house like everyone else, we have to somehow survive on next to nothing, or we have to find Brady part time work that pulls in FULL wage. I specify part time work, because his body does not hold up to full days anymore.
Biology lesson!
Brady’s height of injury is at T6, so riiiiight smack dab in the middle of this highlighted area.

So, everything below that is affected. Brady has some ab strength, but not much. If you see him stand, you may notice he has developed the cutest little baby dad bod paunch. I say this with ALL the love in my heart, and I have Brady’s permission to talk about it here. Its just the truth. Its not even because he’s sitting around more these days (lol) but because of the fact that his lower abdominal muscles are no longer working 💜 Unfortunately, those ones just don’t turn on anymore, meaning they will atrophy and disappear. With that, Brady’s standing will never be “proper” or long winded, so any amount of standing means soreness and pain at the end of the day. He HAS to only work part time hours. Its really his only option for returning to work.
But. If he returns to work, he loses all disability.
But if he doesn’t return to work, we cannot survive financially.
Hailey, can you go to work?
Sure, I could. Two things about that. Realistically, that leaves Brady as the primary parent here at home with Waverly. And while he is INCREDIBLE and INVOLVED, realistically, his capability to act fast in an emergency situation is not ideal. (Not in this house, anyway. It would be totally doable in the new house we deeply desire to live in.) Also, on top of that, is the truth of Brady wanting to work. He wants to provide and be the breadwinner like he always has been! He WANTS to be at work, and I WANT to be home. So thats what we aim for.
With every day passing, we watch our finances change and dissipate, knowing they will eventually run out. We need a plan before that happens. We watch our door frames get busted up, our flooring warp, and Brady feeling progressively more frustrated and helpless. We need income, and we need a new home. The longer we wait, the harder the move could be, depending on how Brady’s mobility changes.
There is an obvious hole in the system here. House or not, our livelihood is dependant on these payments, and something needs to be done. I cannot be the only person who sees this obvious flaw.
I want to be reasonable, and rational. But I also want to knock on some doors and write some letters. Who do we contact now? Government officials? Newspapers? At what point do I cross the line between justified into entitled?
We pray and we trust God, but that doesn’t negate our responsibility to vouch for our family and for many others I am sure have found themselves trapped in this system.
Help me, friends. Where do I turn?