
As luck would have it, Brady started barfing at work yesterday. He made it home and proceeded to throw up a number of times in the afternoon and evening. We bit the bullet and cancelled our house plans for today. Our basement framing will have to wait for another weekend. I won’t lie and say I’m not disappointed, but I am also a picture of compassion for my poor family.

Laela woke up covered in vomit once again. She seemed to be in worse shape than when she woke up barfy yesterday. Still very pleasant, but COVERED. Not just wet, but dirty and gross. There were pieces of things all down her jammies and all over her bed. As soon as she sat up, she started heaving. Brady held her pail for her while I stripped her bed and got her some fresh jammies. We went and lay her on the couch with a fresh blanket, and within a few minutes, she was insisting on breakfast. I asked her to wait a few minutes for her tummy to settle, but she was persistent. So I agreed, and gave in to her request of Cheerios and milk. Now I KNOW that milk is frowned upon when kids are sick, because sometimes dairy upsets an already angry tummy, but in chats with my doctor previously, she fully supports my giving them milk when they ask for it. I just don’t have juice kids. They aren’t into it! Neither warm beverages, like tea or honey water. No dice. So milk is that extra oomph that water can’t give them. And if they barf it up, at least they likely absorbed something extra. Though when she asked for yogurt, I sold her on apple sauce instead. I figured that would be less vile if it decided to come back up. So far, though, we’re in the clear!!

Brady feels considerably better today, after sleeping almost 12 hours last night! He is still very achy from all of the dry heaving he did yesterday :/ Whatever they have is pretty crappy, and is clearly irritating their stomaches, empty or not. So much heaving! Ack! But so far today, Brady’s tummy is cooperating. A HUGE thank you to my mom for bringing fresh muffins over last night. They have made a delicious brunch and a gentle transition back to food for the hubs. Plus I think muffins and cheese are on the menu for supper for the littles! Win win!

I’m pretty bummed that we aren’t getting our basement started today, but it would have been challenging for Brady while he’s feeling so wiped and sore, and also for me with a sick kid or two. I’m happy that the basement is TOTALLY ready for the job, and we’ll keep it that way until next weekend or the weekend after or whenever it can happen. We’re as ready as we can be! Just keep hoping that we’ll be healthy enough for it soon!