My parents came over mid-morning to do some work on the garden. Laela was still napping, so as soon as Brady got home we all went outside, Dekker included, and weeded/played trucks. When Laela was quite awake, I brought her out in her carseat to sit in the shade and have some fun outside with us. She was totally happy with the setting, and we all took our turn ducking in and visiting her. The garden now looks beautiful, and I expect our plants to skyrocket from here on out!
We had grilled fish and broccoli salad for lunch, and then had a bit of a visit before my parents left. They just got back from a trip yesterday and needed their rest. Plus, we had plans!
The always-flawless Jerilee recently offered to take our kids for the evening so we could go catch the fireworks. I know lots of people are bored with the fireworks, and I don’t blame them! But we never get to do stuff like that and really wanted a date night, so we took her up on it. Poor dear, though. She came straight after work, arriving around 6:30 and we got home after midnight :/ But we had a wonderful time out and appreciated the help SO MUCH!!
Even just the drive was nice. We listened to music we liked at a “healthy” volume 🙂
For supper, we didn’t have tons of time to go sit down somewhere, and didn’t want to just hit up a Wendys or McDonalds like we normally would do when pressed for time, so we bit the bullet and went FULLY unhealthy! 7eleven provided us with a delicious once a year supper of corn dogs, potato wedges, and candy. We got some iced coffee and were on our way!
We parked pretty far from the grounds in an attempt to get out easier, rather than being right close to the park but taking hours to get out of it. Trust me, it was smart. We grabbed a blanket, hoodies, and our candy of choice – Live wires – and walked a solid twenty minutes to our spot on the hill. It was at our first that I realized that some people come to events like the fireworks specifically to scream, curse, and drink. I don’t mean to be rude, as people have the right! But it was just a lot and really, really loud really, really close. We moved our blanket once before we settled in.
We watched the family in front of us fill their babys bottle with chocolate milk, which we kind of did a double take on. We decided to stop judging when she was just an adorable little girl who made eyes at us and waved and, what the heck, why shouldn’t she have a treat?! Who am I to judge??? I was so thankful to not have to make any decisions like that tonight.
I tried to photograph the fireworks, but it didn’t really work out. So I tried to photograph us. Which also wasn’t super flattering…
The walk back to the van was actually pretty nice, since everyone was moving in relatively the same direction. Made us move a little slower and enjoy the walk more than book it back. We got out incredibly quickly, stopped at a Tim’s to pee, and headed home. It was lovely to arrive home to a quiet house, two sleeping babies who ate their food and listened to their babysitter, and Jerilee, who came willingly to love my kids while we were away. That is a HUGE part of getting out of the house – knowing your kids love the person who is coming to watch them, and knowing she will keep the house running the way we like it to run. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
Ok ok ok, its bedtime. I’m sooo old, and was yawning before 10:00pm. Its time. Sleep deep, and happy Canada Day!