We got back from our AirB&B adventure yesterday and our entire family slept hard. Waverly still woke up once but she was an easy sell on going back to bed, which helped a lot. We all still woke up pretty bleary-eyed, but I think some of that is just summer vibes.
We got everyone out of bed and dressed, and over to my moms for a day spent with family, playing, eating, visiting, and generally relaxing. The kids ran circles around the house, the yard, and the people. How do they have so much energy?? Can I have some?
I cannot, haha! All I really have to share with you is that I am SO happy to be with family, and also SO tired!

Wavy has the right idea. This time, anyway. Wavy’s sleep has regressed HARD. It is LONG overdue to sleep train her, but with so few bedrooms, its pretty tricky. The sooner we can get her sleeping through, the sooner I’ll be less of a zombie and a better wife/mom/friend/person. The time will come 🙂