I don’t do as many photo dumps anymore because there are SO many pictures I can’t post. I don’t know. Its hard to have such a huge part of our lives left out of the blog. Sometimes it makes me feel like wrapping it up :/ But. Thats not the point. Today I just wanted to show you some fun pictures from the weekend 🙂 Enjoy!
Wavy has always had a pretty epic sense of fashion, and on this particular day, she rocked hippo pants, and a Frozen shirt overtop of her high viz tshirt 🤣 She’s a stone cold weirdo, that one.

This next one, Laela had been playing with a baby who put their hand into her mouth and clawed so good that her tooth got knocked loose! And then she couldn’t hack that, so she hulked it out. Basically got beat up by a baby 🤣

Sandwiches at camp have become the way of the lunchtimes and they are goooood!

The evening swim was a bit chilly for some…

but the snuggles afterward made up for it!

The bunks are set up this way, starting with the top…

And the bottom! Once upon a time, we thought the Morsel would be on the bottom this summer, but there is nooooo way!

Brady taking his chemo on the beach with iced coffee to wash it down 🤣

And Stacy making us delicious drinks in the evening!

Laela was not all the way dressed after swimming, still wearing her bathing suit, and in this particular picture, it just looks like he’s taking a pee on the lawn chair, hahahaha!

Meanwhile, the sun was enough to wipe Solly right out 🥱

The Dahlsjos came armed with jumbo marshmallows, so we made some VERY messy s’mores!

And the weekend ended with paddle boarding ☀️ which was pretty much perfect.

As ALWAYS, I am SO grateful for our lake spot 💜 It just pours blessing out on our family, over and over again.