Today I made the executive decision to serve my family dessert for supper. I had defrosted rhubarb out of my freezer yesterday, and made the choice to defrost a bit more and make a big fat crisp. I found a recipe I liked the look of, doubled it (duh) and voila! It turned out really, really well!

Ok, before you say it, I KNOW its not a supper food. I know. But sometimes we have a treat, and thats ok, so don’t come for me. My family eats great. We’re allowed dessert for supper sometimes.
As it baked, I realized it wouldn’t quite cut it as the whole meal and we’d need some kind of extra. This might be enough if the babies didn’t eat as much as they do, but they’re growing, and eating a ton. So I needed to add.
I asked Brady to pick up ice cream on his way home, which he very happily agreed to do.
Still. We needed something else. I remembered that I had bought yogurt the day before that was ONE DAY away from expiry, and therefore cost $0.65 for the whole container. I divvied that up between the yogurt eaters. Not enough for everyone but thats ok.
And since yogurt fills absolutely no one, I toasted up some english muffins and slathered them with peanut butter. Anyone else make toast and the like in their oven? No? Just me? Cool.
We topped it all off with a glass of milk, to which Dekker took the liberty of adding strawberry syrup.

Thank goodness no one who lives here is lactose intolerant 🤣 Because YIKES they’d be in trouble. We ALL would be in trouble!
Despite the fact that the meal was all sweet and very much a treat, it was super delicious and an awesome morale boost after a huge first week of school. It was fun and yummy and the gratefulness was genuine, which always feels really extra nice.
The moral of the story is this. Eat dessert for supper sometimes. Whether you have or not. Its worth it.