With my previous pregnancies, I have experienced a lot of acid reflux. I truthfully have no idea what heartburn feels like, so I can’t compare the two or state the differences, but I know they’re often treated with the same stuff. With Dekker’s pregnancy, I ended up taking Zantac twice a day every day by the end, and it was the perfect amount. I never took another after the day he was born. I love that part of delivering a baby. So many of the uncomfortable symptoms are gone in that one moment! Of course, you are met with all kinds of other things to deal with, but the ones you’re really tired of are gone. With Laela’s pregnancy, I was on Zantac much sooner. I didn’t waste time trying to suppress my reflux with Tums, and I knew what dosage I was allowed from last time, so I just went for it. Towards the end of that pregnancy, I remember starting to kind of lose it. I know people deal with all kinds of illness throughout pregnancy, and my acid reflux sounds pretty petty, but do you know that feeling you get in your head when you’re about to puke? Not quite a headache, but almost? Its a very specific feeling, and I get it when I have acid reflux. So it prevents me from sleeping, or eating, or whatever else I kind of need to do, because my body things its going to throw up. Its gross. So in the last weeks of Laela’s pregnancy, I remember having a lot of trouble, having my two doses of Zantac not being enough but not being allowed to take a third.
This time around, my Zantac came on a bit later, but much harder. After being on Zantac for less than two weeks, I was up to the full two doses. That quickly became not enough. I had purchased a bulk amount of Zantac from Costco earlier in my pregnancy, knowing this is just something that comes with it for me, and I asked Dr. Guselle if I could just take three per day. She said if I needed something stronger, she would just give me a prescription. I explained to her that I have no health coverage, and already have a stupid amount of Zantac in my house, so if I was allowed to take more Zantac, I’d rather do it that way, even if taking just one pill is more convenient. Unfortunately, she said that three Zantac could be safe, but it is an “unstudied dose,” therefore making it “unsafe.” I agree with this, and would hate to take the risk. So she prescribed me the pill I’m taking now. One pill every morning, and I’ve been untouchable for weeks.
Until now. I wake up in the morning with that terrible burn in my throat and ache in my head. I woke up at 7:00 this morning, which is a solid 1.5-2 hours earlier than usual for us, and took my pill immediately, but it was too late :/ That lurking grossness still surfaced, and I felt sick to my stomach.
A couple of hours later, it still wasn’t gone. So I am officially that person who is taking The strongest Zantac available as well as my prescription. Yes, its doctor approved, I promise. Its just a bit annoying. How can my baby already be huge enough to caught this much of an issue in my digestion?? Bah. Lame.
At least I’m finally getting some use out of the massive quantity of Zantac I bought…