Whew! So today was a bit of a rough one, I won’t lie. Its good to be home. Home is easier than camp oftentimes, and today was one of those days. That being said, I’ll give you a highlight reel in the next day or two. There were definitely some good times this weekend. But today… today had bumps.
With those bumps, however, came a special discovery.

Float on the go.
Yes, you heard me. A float on the go. I had already determined I was getting a milkshake. And then I decided to throw all caution to the wind and get a big root beer. Don’t come at me. I NEVER get TWO big bad-for-you drinks. EVER. But when I realized they were the makings of a root beer float…
It was the right choice.
Anyway. Welcome to my wisdom.
Sleep deep, friends 💜