Our playground date was probably about an hour only, and Dekker was so sad to go home, but it was definitely time. It was getting later into the afternoon, for one thing, but it was really hot, muggy, and windy outside. So we parted ways, and made our way home just as my parents arrived with some corn on the cob, fresh from a nearby colony. I’m SO anticipating some of that in the very near future!
My parents only stayed for a few minutes, and once they were headed out, I continued the great clothing organization. I am pleased to say that, for the moment, it is DONE! I know, that sounds super non-committal. I have sorted absolutely everything that I can find. I’m positive there are more mixed up tubs and bags downstairs, but for now, I have accomplished a TON! Everything is separated out and ready, and I’m really anticipating getting the tubs moved downstairs into a somewhat organized stack tomorrow maybe. Our clothing tubs are a BIG part of what we store, and I feel like once those are organized, some space should free up in our basement. Or at the very least, it will motivate me to start organizing the rest of the basement and get rid of all of the junk I don’t want to store anymore. The purge never ends!
I think I’ve worked enough today, though. My back is sore from the amount of bending, crouching, carrying, and hauling that I’ve done today, and I’m ready to lay back and have an evening of solitude with Brady. I love our evenings together. I’m a lucky lucky lady.