Ok, friends, today is the day I can give you official results of Brady’s contrast MRI, and his diagnosis.
Brady has what is called an ependymoma. It is a tumour growing in his spinal column, along the spinal cord. It spans the distance of four vertebrae in his lower thoracic spine. His neurosurgeon believes it is low grade cancerous.
It cannot be left. It is an emergency.
Therefore, Brady is going into surgery.
As his surgeon said this morning, “there is no time to waste.”
The risk of the surgery is damage to Brady’s spinal cord or his nerves. It can result in anything from simply less strength or some function deficit, to paralysis from the thoracic spine down. The risk of not doing the surgery is the tumour spreading up Brady’s spine into his brain. There is really no option here.
As you can imagine, we are beside ourselves with just about every emotion possible. We are scared, and apprehensive, and yet relieved that there will be no more waiting.
Having fear will not add a day to our lives. This we know. Worry will not help in any way.
We are as prepared as we can possibly be. Which, really, isn’t all too prepared.
I make no promises for the blogs in the days to come. I have no idea whats coming. None of us do. Deep uncertainty.
Please pray.
We hold you Hailey, and Brady before the Lord! Praying all the way through this with you! We love you! Can’t say it enough! 💖😢💞
God you are the healer and giver of peace and strength!
We pray your presence on this precious family! Thank you, Jesus! 💗
Praying for all of you during this difficult time. May the Lord comfort you and give you the strength that you need for each day. Love you guys!
Lord we bring Brady and Hailey before asking for your intercession and healing. We pray for wisdom and great skill during his surgery. We ask that his surgery be successful without complication. For much compassion and tender care during his recovery. Lord we ask that he will heal well from the surgery and that his recovery will be quick and complete. Lord we thank you that we can rely completely on knowing that you only have our good in mind and that you promise to never leave us or forsake us. We stand on that promise for Brady and for Hailey. Lord please provide all that they need during this time whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual. Please provide Hailey with support and comfort tomorrow as she waits during the surgery. May all this come together tomorrow and into the future for them. Please bless them today and everyday. Thank you Jesus.
I am so very sorry to hear the sad news . But the good news is he is having surgery tomorrow . I will definitely continue praying for you both and your family . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I’m sorry to hear it’s so serious but glad you finally have answers and something is finally being done. I will be praying for the surgery and his recovery and for your family.