This is not clickbait! We are making some big changes around here and they began this morning.

Last week, Brady accepted a job offer. He is now a contractor salesman at Zak’s Home Hardware in Warman.
I believe it is safe to say we are both more excited than we are nervous. This feels more like a step back into normalcy than a step away from where we’ve been. We have LOVED our time together, but the financial setup we have been experiencing is not sustainable.
We are continuing to research and reach out to where we can still receive some financial backing, as it is our understanding that all disability payments will drop off in the next few months. We will not be at a full, life sustaining wage for a while, though the company understands where we stand and does believe that Brady will eventually reach the financial goal we’re aiming for. Knowing it can and will come helped us a lot in making our decision.
Those are just little details. For now, he just settles in. And he was SO happy to go in this morning 💜

This job is a clear gift from God. It will provide our family with structure, routine, and a guaranteed income. It will continue to raise our credit, and even make it more possible to buy/build another home someday. We will finally appear lower-risk to lenders. Brady will feel productive and accomplished, and I will feel more secure in my role here at home.
There are tricky parts. We’ll need to sell Brady’s work van and find a different second vehicle for Brady to commute in. Ideally something that doesn’t require him to dismantle his chair down every single day, but something that is still good on gas. And affordable, as its a 2K bill to have hand controls installed. Thankfully this is less of a must until winter starts rolling in.
None of this is perfect, but it is clearly God’s plan, and if we know anything at all, we know we don’t always get to know the plan. And thats ok. We have faith that God is at work!

Please, if you’re the praying kind, carry us with you 💜 We have a lot to navigate in these coming weeks and months. We’re anticipating great things!