Hey this is Brady again! And I’ve got more good news!!
I got my new wheelchair!👨🦽

For those of you well versed in the ways of accessability, it’s a TiLite ZRA. I’m new to the accessability game but from what I understand it’s a highly sought after chair in this day and age.
Custom made, all titanium frame, sized exactly to my body dimensions and unpainted so scratches will be unnoticeable. Black anodized rims and accessories. 12 spoke wheels so there’s less chances of catching my fingers. Front suspension to minimize setting off my clonus. It’s all designed exactly around my needs. 🤗
The chair that I’ve been using up until now has a been a very well welcome upgrade from what I had in the hospital but I can tell where it’s limits are. It’s slightly too big for me, harder to fit through doorways. Fixed handles on the back would catch on door jambs and doors and make it harder to manoeuvre in tighter spaces. Slightly more weight made it just a bit harder for Hailey to lift into the van and up and down our stairs. Skinny, worn out tires often spun out when the rolling got tough.
Don’t get me wrong, it was a very welcome loaner from the hospital but it had its limits.

The TiLite has the advantage in all of those areas. It fits me perfectly, it’s lighter, it rolls smoother and longer, the fold down handles allow me to move in tighter spaces and best of all it’s mine! I have no issues adjusting it to exactly how I want. Anti-tippers gone, balance point on a knifes edge, footplate angled just so to prevent clonus. It’s perfect! Now I look for excuses just to be in my chair moving around. 😂
I had pulled out my tools and started adjusting my chair before the end of my first day with it. Consider me a wheelchair mechanic extraordinaire. 😎

The last thing I want to mention is the second set of tires that were provided with it.

They’re essentially mountain bike tires and they swap out in seconds. They work really well in rougher terrain like we have around our campsite. I’ve been excited to try them out here and today is the first chance I’ve had. They work great! They make the wheelchair an option at the lake. 😊
Overall I’m super stoked to have my own chair and for it to be as awesome as it is. I’m so excited to have it!

Now watch as I wheel off into the distance…
That looks awesome, Brady! Very special….. it has so many options!! 💕 Love it, excited with and for you! 💗
Rejoicing with you. Those little details make such a difference!
Your kids must just love have you buzzin around with them.
I showed Jess. We’re just both so happy for you 🥲 xo