We left the house somewhere between 8:00-8:30am and headed for breakfast.
We kept it simple, and went to Tims for bacon breakfast sandwiches and double doubles. We drove to the river to find a place to eat. We used to waste sooo much time just walking by the river. Unfortunately, it was a bit too chilly to eat outside, so we parked by the train bridge and watched the joggers, walkers, and people on morning dates. It was cute. We easily killed enough time to get us to one of our scheduled events on time.
I took Brady to Bourbon, a barbershop here in Saskatoon. It looked great, had decent prices, and was not trashy at all! Very classy! We waited for Brady’s turn at a little bar in the middle of the establishment, and within minutes were called over to his spot. In his 30-45 minute appointment, he had a brief consultation, and then a very precise beard trim and clean up. She shaped his beard up really beautifully, and straight razor shaved his cheeks, neck, brows, etc.
Once all of his beard needs were taken care of, she oiled his face up good and proper, aimed a steam machine directly at his face and neck, and wrapped his face in hot towels. It was a look.
I had added a massage to his appointment, so she and I sat and shot the breeze while she massaged his neck, and he dozed in and out under his towels. His appointment ended with a cool towel to close his pores back up. She helped us pick out a beard balm, we paid up, and were on our way. Seriously men, or ladies who have men in their lives, this is SUCH a fun place! Brady is not one who requires pampering, but he’s already informed me that he’s going to be back there for beard trims, and I’m ALL for it! The prices are pretty great, which helps!
Post-pamper, we headed for lunch. Neither of us were very hungry, so we went for an old date night fallback and hit New York Fries.
Our next stop was Long & McQuade. Another place where we’d go to waste time when we had time to waste, lol! He played a few beautiful guitars, we dreamed for a little while, and Brady FINALLY got to buy a pedal thats been on his wish list since before we’ve been married – the Boss delay pedal. he was a happy happy man.
Fun fact about Long & McQuade. If you go to buy a pedal (or perhaps other things) they’ll try and sell you the floor model. I was surprised when he started to ring up the display model for Brady, and I asked if we were buying the floor model. He kind of dodged the question a bit, and said he didn’t know how long it had been out there, so it might not have even been used. He asked “Did you want a different one?” I was just surprised it was even a question! Yes, I confirmed, we’d like a new one. So rather than a pedal, just as is, in hand, we got a brand new one in a box with a manual. I couldn’t believe we had to specify that we wanted a fresh one, so I figured I’d put it out there for everyone as something to watch for.
We had some time to kill after that, and I had a short list of things we used to do, once again, when we had all the time in the world. Brady chose to drive around the ritzy areas of the city and look at all the big houses. That we used to do when we were dreaming of building our own house. Our drive quickly turned into touring old neighbourhoods where Brady had previously worked, and showing me the first houses he ever finished. We looked at previous show homes and home lottery homes. We just moseyed around until it was time for supper.
We hit Broadway Cafe, like we always used to. It was delicious! Though I was shorted my garlic toast. Merp.
We closed off the evening at the theatre, seeing Crazy Rich Asians. Since that movie came out, I’ve been expecting it to be some ridiculous, stereotypical, and somewhat racist. I had been reassured by a number of people, though, that it was actually really good, had a decent plot line, and that going to see it wouldn’t suggest to anyone that I’m racist. Because I’m not. And turns out, it was actually a REALLY good movie like I was told! It was heartwarming, funny, and pretty entertaining! A solidly mixed romantic comedy. We really liked it.
We grabbed ice cream on our way home, and that was it for the night! We came home to stories and pictures of our kids dressed in countless costumes, reading new books, and playing hard. It had been a good day for us, and a good day for them! Wins all around! We couldn’t have swung our day away without the help of our friends who stepped in to watch our littles, so an ENORMOUS thank you to them!
This is the last you’ll hear of Brady’s birthday for now, but I’m really happy with how his weekend turned out. I hope he felt loved and celebrated, and I hope he continues to feel that way every day. I’m so happy my husband was born those thirty years ago.