Once again, Brady got an advent calendar of brewskies! And once again, he brings you his review!
Being the season its been, we forgot to take a picture of the box, sooooo you’re getting a slightly more ratchet version of a review than in years past. But whats more ratchet than an advent calendar made up of beer anyway? Not much.
So here you have it. The Brewer’s Advent Calendar 2024, available at Costco!

1. Brewsters Original Lager – 5% – I’m back and to kick it off this time, we had a very standard lager. The beeriest beer I’ve had since last December. Lol Not a disappointment though. I’m excited for the next beerstravaganza – 3/5
2. Bridge Brewing Company Cream Ale – 5% – This cream ale was a very flavourful, full beer. Just a bit of bite and then it’s smooth sailing. Simple and enjoyable – 4/5
3. Black Bridge Brewery Original Stout – 5.5% – I didn’t know that I’d be a fan of stouts but I enjoy this one. It’s got a heavy beeriness with a smattering of coffee and chocolate. Quite enjoyable – 3/5
4. Nokomis Craft Ales Beer – 4.5% – Sometimes a standard lager is just right. This one doesn’t stand out as a winner but it’s also not a loser. It’s beer. And sometimes that’s spot on – 3/5

5. Boxing Rock Shuck Off – Blonde Beer – 5% – This one had quite a bit of flavour! And just a hint of clamato. This wasn’t a beer that was hard to finish. I definitely enjoyed it – 4/5
6. District Brewing Co. German Pilsner Lager – 5% – Pilsner. Not my first choice. Not my 9th choice. But I have now been subjected to it twice in two years. This one was meh. But much like the lager of two days ago, it was a beer. I finished it. It was okay – 2/5
7. Blindman Brewing Strong Ale – 6.5% – This is the first one I’ve REALLY enjoyed this year. It’s got more hops to it with a splash of that bitter, IPAish taste that I love. I would definitely drink this one again. Probably a whole case of it – 4.5/5
8. Dandy Brewing Strong Beer – 7% – It’s probably not lost on at least a few of you that I really enjoy the sour ales. I love when these bad boys come around and this one is no exception. It’s almost just lemonade. I really loved this one. 10 out of 10 doctors… – 5/5

9. Bow River Brewing German Amber Lager – Riverfest – 5.3% – This was a pretty average beer. It had that standard amber beer taste but otherwise it was not worth noting. Would I drink it again? Meh, I guess – 2/5
10. Medicine Hat Brewing Company Clear & Crisp – German Style Kölsch – 5.3% – This one didn’t have a whole lot to it. Flavour is definitely lacking here. But it IS crisp. This would be a great thirst quencher on a hot day while you build a deck with some buddies – 4/5
11. Born Brewing Company Get Lucky – Premium Style Lager – 5% – This beer had a light hoppy taste which is right up my alley. That slight bitterness is exactly what I look for in a beer. This was a crisp, delicious beer for me. I’d definitely drink this again – 4.5/5
12. XhAle Ultrasonic – Light Beer – 3.5% – Mmm… this was the antithesis of ultrasonic. This was carbonated, alcoholic water. Alchoseltzer is what Hailey came up with. 😂 This beer has ZERO flavour. None. This is sparkling water with a splash of …vodka? Idk. I definitely tasted like nothing. 10/10 dentists do NOT recommend – 1/5

13. Original Malting & Brewing Co. Ol’ Dog – Brown Ale – 5% – This beer started out a little odd. Very flavourful with a bit of a chocolatey taste but it was a little over powering at first. But then I paired it with some chips and it made total sense – 3.5/5
14. Pile O’ Bones Brewing Co. Vienna Style Lager – 5% – This is a pretty standard beer. Decent flavour, no strong aftertaste, no add on flavour to prop up its downfalls. Take a sip and you think ‘Hmmm well that’s alright – 3/5
15. New Level Brewing Valkyrie Berry Ale – 5.5% – I expected this one to have a more fruit heavy flavour but it was really just the essence of blackberry. Mostly just beer. Lol Meh – 2.5/5
16. Burdock Brewery ‘Deluxe Golder Lager – 4.5% – A decent beer. Not exceptional. Not mediocre. I like this. But I’m not blown away. Decent – 3/5

17. Manual Labour Beer Co. ‘Thats Gold’ British Golden Ale – .6% – Oh man! I knew before I tasted it. Just a little whiff and I was in love. It’s classified as a ‘British Holden Ale’ but this is 100% an IPA. SO good. I love IPAs but this was one another level. Anticipating every sip, this was easily my favourite to date!! – 5.5/5
18. Tool Shed Brewing Company “Petes Pils’ Pilsner – 4.5% – Well, it’s a Pilsner. I’m not a fan but it was passable. Probably the best Pilsner I’ve ever had. Which isn’t saying much. lol. If you like Pilsners, this will be a winner! – 2/5
19. PEI Brewing Company Vic Park Pale Ale – 5% – A mild pale ale. This was the least hoppy ipa I’ve ever had. It was clean and crisp delightful. Would drink again – 3/5
20. 2 Crows Brewing ‘Badabing!’ Italian Pilsner – 5.5% – Well here’s another beer that was quite u remarkable. I didn’t hate it and I didn’t love it. It was beer. To quote myself at the end of a hard day “Oh well!” – 2.5/5

21. Skeleton Park Brewery Proper English Ale – 4.5% – IPAs should be called DPAs. D is for delicious! And this isn’t even an IPA, it’s an English Ale. But man, it was good! A perfect amount of that bitter hoppiness. Big fan! – 4.5/5
22. Blood Brothers Brewing ‘Blood 5.0’ Ale – 5% – This ale was decent but I feel like the powers that be could have done a better job of finding a variety of beers to add to this compilation. As the can says, “It’s wet” – 3/5
23. Spearhead Brewing Company ‘Festbier’ Copper Lager – 5.2% – The label on this one described itself much like I describe myself, “Rich & Smooth”. I have to say, it’s true. Lots of flavour and no big downside. A solid beer to go with just about any meal or setting – 4/5
24. Village Brewery ‘Mis-Heard Lyric’ New England IPA – 7% – What a way to finish!! Best beer of the season! By far! I love IPAs but this one was above and beyond! All the dentists and doctors recommend this one. I could drink this for the rest of my life! – 10/10

This is one happy man right here.

The beer calendar is more so a journey than a promise of 24 delicious, perfect beer. The bad ones are part of the fun, and I believe there is no bad blood between Brady and Costco, or frankly, Brady and beer.
Welp. The time of year has come and gone! Brady is no longer a “beer a day” guy. But it was fun while it lasted!
Eleven more months until the next one!