Things looked so different one year ago.

We had crushed a season of hard work and had come out strong. We were on top of the world in a lot of ways.
Brady’s 33rd year of life has been unlike anything we ever had expected, and nothing we ever planned for. Who plans for these things. No one, and they shouldn’t. You cannot waste your time worrying about “what ifs” because it would steal your joy from what actually happens.
I don’t want this post to be about what we “lost.”
To go with last years theme, this year on Brady’s birthday, we find ourselves crushing a season of even harder work, and we are coming out even stronger!!! ALL glory is Gods, but we are proud to be His people!
I can say with confidence that Brady is NO less of a man since his surgery and subsequent injury and diagnoses. If anything, he is stronger! Save for that right leg, of course 😉

He may have gotten woodworking tools and steak as gifts, but his real gift, I would say, was the new perspective he gained over the last year. Its been eye opening. Our marriage was truly quite happy and healthy last year, at least in my opinion, but it is only better now 💜We have both worked HARD to settle into our new roles with one another and with our family, and God continues to bless us with contentment and comfort us in our times of trial.
Brady my love, I would walk through fire for you. And I know you would do the same for me. Except you’d roll. Because thats how you do 😏
I love you, sweet man! Let’s take your first 33 and do them twice more over! Deal? Deal.
Good post Hailey.
Brady has amazed me over and over this year. He is truly beautiful inside and out! May God continue to bless you, Brady, with strength and determination; with hope and your newly gained (dark) sense of humor. 😁
I love you Brady. And I’m so proud of you!