Brady Got Promoted!

It has been in the works for some time now, but it is not officially official! Brady has been promoted to sales manager!!! 🥳

Oof! He’s handsome!!! 😍

He has been working at Zak’s for just over two years now, and he has fallen into his role as a salesman SO much better than he ever imagined he would! He is so unbelievably invested in the sales team at his work, so when the sales manager left the company for something new, Brady began itching for the position. But, as you might have noticed, brain cancer sort of got in the way a little, and held a few things up. Then cancer treatment began, and it seemed like the ideal was waiting it out to see how the radiation would affect him. But Brady has more than proven himself, over and over and over again. He was told officially last week that he was being made sales manager, and yesterday, at their monthly sales meeting, it was announced to the staff. Brady is SO excited. 

We’re all thinking it. The timing stinks. Lol! But Brady is nothing if not determined and, even if he wears out a bit in a couple of weeks and has to miss some days and some hours, he is the more dedicated person for the job. 

They chose WELL. 

HUGE congratulations, Brady 💜 I am beyond proud of you, with ALL the things you already now, and now this – a management position!! I can’t help but feel like our eight children have prepared you for it just a little 🤏 but much of your drive has always been there, so I guess we can’t take full credit. I love you so much, honey. Onto the next adventure!