Eek! Its SO late for me to be posting! I fully blame the Bachelorette for my late start. Dang you, Jojo, and your sketchy group of men!
I truly had a wonderful day. I saw my friend, Nicole, and her little boy for lunch and through part of the afternoon. It was a pretty long drive to get to us, so I was very thankful for the extra effort 🙂 We haven’t sat down for a visit since freshly after Christmas, so this was a very welcome visit. Between the two of us, we had five kids to juggle, and they actually did really really well! Rowan napped after lunch, and Solly was in and out the entire visit, so it was easy enough to actually chat while the kids played, rather than us standing on our heads trying to make the day run smoothly. We were a good group.
Once they headed on to their next plan, we watched a bit of tv and had some quiet time. Brady was home in time for yet another friend from church to drop off a supper for us! We have been SO blessed by our friends and family, with meals and baking and just so many unnecessary but appreciated gifts of love. We received our chicken, rice, caesar salad, and ice cream sandwiches, and sat down immediately. Our kids are usually pretty hesitant when new food walks in the door, but they ate the meal very happily, which meant Brady and I could, too!
Jerilee arrived for Bachelorette night right around the kids bedtime with slurpees for us. We made some nachos and turned on the show.We were behind, so we spent the next three-ish hours watching. We are STILL behind, lol! But we booked a day in next week to catch all the way up 🙂 I love Bachelorette nights.
Now, its late, and I’m tired. Whew! Time to take my ridiculously rigid scheduled pain meds and hit the hay! Sleep well, all.