However, as the title suggests (if you understand me) I’m feeling pretty blah today. But I’m trying to be realistic about it, because we had SUCH an “up” weekend, I’m probably just coming down from it a bit. And I’m SO thankful for our wonderful weekend, so I’m trying to see my blah feeling as a good blah rather than a bad blah. Is any of this making sense? Moving on…
I got to sleep in pretty decently, which these days means past 7:00, and I’m ok with that. It is a whole new world having our room to ourselves. Brady and I sleep better, Solly sleeps better, and the big kids probably sleep a little bit less because they are so excited to share a room still, but they’re happy, so its worth it. So even when the days feel a little long or a little challenging, a good nights sleep makes all the difference.
The little boys went down for naps after lunch, and the big kids are hanging with me in the living room. We needed a tv break today, and I decided that Laela would get to choose their show today. She was elated, and Dekker didn’t even complain. Its as though he KNOWS he owes her one. He was in pretty rough shape this morning, and as a punishment, he had to go clean up the pieces of cereal from the dining room floor. They had rice krispies for breakfast, so there was a lot (Rowan is terrible at eating rice krispies, and all of the kids eat them dry) Anyway, Laela offered to help him with his punishment, and got down on the floor and picked up cereal with him. That was a definite high point for me. So when I suggested that Laela could pick the show, Dekker said “That makes sense” and buckled down to his Lego.
If the rest of the day feels difficult, or even just hem haw, THIS was a positive! Its good to remember the positives.
This all being said, I think we’re going to venture out this afternoon. We need some Costco staple items. Does anyone else constantly run out of milk, yogurt, and bananas at the same time?? Please let this not just be us! So we’ll load up on those things, some more fresh stuff (because our kids are devouring grape tomatoes right now) and then duck a bit further into the city for some makeup items for a couple of appointments I have coming up. Also Starbucks, because mango black tea lemonade is really working for me these days. Yum! So it seems like there are positive things yet to come!
I hope your Monday has been really good, despite my weird, downer post and the grey weather. Maybe it’ll drown some of the tent caterpillars! See, look! Another positive!