I’m not posting about this to toot my own horn, but loooook!! I made something!

This seems small, but trying new things in the kitchen takes courage for me. These cute little sprinkle scones have been staring at me for literal years from my Pinterest account, and I finally worked up the courage to make them. Today is Cher’s birthday, and she’s not a fan of a big to-do. So I decided these little cones were for both of us – for her because its her birthday, but also for me, because trying new things is hard.
I gave myself way too much time to make them, expecting failure. As it turns out, things weren’t beautifully smooth, and I needed some of that extra time! First off, there was juuust over a cup left of flour in my container, so I got the huge fresh bag from my basement and made a sizeable mess trying to empty it into the canister. The kids laughed mercilessly at me, and I laughed, too. Because I had time.
Then I didn’t have a pastry cutter. But I figured, whatever. Forks can do the same thing. But the “cold butter” I had used was actually frozen, and there was NO way the forks could do it. I decided my Pampered Chef food masher would be up the challenge, and it did a pretty great job, actually! But by the end of it, I resorted to my hands, and got the rest of the job done. Made the little well and poured in the milk.
And then I didn’t have enough milk!! Believe me, I had pulled out all the ingredients in advance, and I knew I was close to the end of the milk, but I thought I’d have juuust enough. No dice. Gah! I worked with what I had, but when I dumped the dough out, it was SO crumby and messy. I was pretty discouraged. Thankfully, it was right around that point when my mom received my desperate “my butter won’t blend in!” text. She grabbed her milk and ran over…
…and reassured me almost instantly that my dough was actually perfect!!! I wish I had more progress pictures, but she helped me see that I just needed to work it all in, knead it a little, and it would very quickly become pretty scone dough! She was totally right 🙂 It worked! We made them into a round, sliced them up, and they baked up so beautifully! Even the bottoms were pretty.

Cher graciously received them, and we spent a nice afternoon together. We indulged in a bacon plate also, lol!

We both have canker sores now, lol! Worth it.
And yes. We’re all in our jammies over here, as usual.
The day has been really nice. We’ve had some more drywall touch-ups going on downstairs, so that feels like progress. Laela was invited out on a playdate this afternoon, so she was excited. And Dekker has had a lovely time of playing Lego, and upon packing it up, he opted to read a chapter book. He doesn’t usually choose to read bigger books, so that feels pretty wonderful. I’m so pleased with how the day is turning out!
Happy birthday, Cher. Not that its a big deal or anything 😉