This a little bit of a fail on my part, lol! But I am SO grateful that my kids are such good sports!!
Dekker and Laela each needed to bring a pumpkin to school this week. And I didn’t get into the city until Wednesday night, but I was able to get a couple. Then, I forgot to get them to school with them on Thursday, because they were still in the garage. My mistake, totally. Anyway, today was the cut off. They had to bring them today.
And today happens to be the ONE day in the recent past where I am without a vehicle I cannot drive them and their pumpkins to school. Walking with them, pulling a wagon would’ve been another option, except I have one little sickie that spent the early morning crying. So that was a no-go.

My last ditch effort could’ve been asking someone to drive them, or to borrow a vehicle. I know my mom or Cher would’ve happily jumped in to help! But when I talked to the kids about it, we reached the decision that they could totally pull it off. It helped that today is hot lunch! No one needed a lunch kit! Each kid grabbed a granola bar and a cheese string and was totally set up! So Dekker and Laela managed to fit their pumpkins in their backpacks, and I tightened up the straps good and proper, so as to save their shoulders. Their backpacks were WAY heavier on the first day of school.
On top of ALL the pumpkin stuff, Rowan’s class has a movie/pj/cozy/stuffie/snacky class party today, and the kid opted to bring the BIGGEST blanket he could find, hahahaha!

To his credit, he insisted on bringing this giant king sized throw just in case his friends didn’t bring a blanket and wanted to share I LOVE this kids heart SO much!
So I had three kids carting MONSTER backpacks to school today, but as you can see, no one was too terribly upset about it! And I’ve received no calls from the school so I assume they all lived, lol!
The day is not done, there is still more to do, but first – a nap for both Wavy and I! She isn’t feeling well, as I mentioned, and I was up for a few hours in the night with heartburn that refused to quit, despite all my best efforts. So we both need rest, and we’re going to get it!
Have a great afternoon, friends! And if you see my children struggling underneath a pumpkin or a backpack bigger than their entire person, please take a picture!