We snuck in a walk yesterday before the snowstorm hit. And by “snuck in,” I mean we planned and went on a nice hour long walk. We decided to walk aaaaall the way across town to my moms house, with the intention to talk to her through the front window, make some snow angels, and walk back. Just laying eyes on people we love really makes a difference.
As we walked, we noticed all of the great pictures in people’s windows. Good job, our town! It’s SO nice to see people making efforts like that. It was also really nice to see people along our walk. Everyone is very respectful of space, but its nice to see people and chat and relate.
We were less than a block away from my moms house when we saw her leave her driveway for her own walk in the other direction. Booooo! Hahaha! But thats ok 🙂 We went and left snow angels anyway…

They didn’t really turn out 😂

But it was clear we had been there, anyway! If there was to be any question, we took a picture with the picture mom left in her window for passers by to enjoy ❤️

She is SUCH a good sport. I really love her.
The walk back was not quite as nice as the walk there, and we ploughed through the last block or two with heads down, motoring forward. The wind was was sharp when we had left, but it was definitely picking up by the time we got home! We turned Wavy around in the stroller, but she was still pretty chilly, though still pretty pretty, also.

The kids were rosy and tired when we got home. They snuggled in blankets in the living room rather than helping with supper like they have been doing. We just had hot dogs anyway. It was yummy and easy and the kids were happy.
It turned out to be a really nice outing, and I’m glad we pushed through when we did, because the snow is upon us again! Hopefully not for long tho 🤞 I’m itchy for Spring! I’m itchy for a lot of things, and it is very clear that all of those things are out of my hands, hahaha! Who makes plans anymore anyway?! Not me! 🙋♀️