I have a very happy, very healthy relationship with my mom. At least I think so. I have a deep appreciation for her, and an even greater love. We both respect one another, even if we disagree, though it doesn’t happen often. She has been an immense support as Brady and I have grown our family and progressed in our life. My mom is a confident dear friend that I can absolutely count on! While our relationship has changed from a childhood dependancy, we are still mother and daughter. And for that, I am SO grateful. I know not everyone is so fortunate.
I have always appreciated my mom, but never the way I do now. My mom moved in about 2.5 months ago to help me. She has taken care of anything and everything. She let many of her own life events go by the wayside in order to be 100% available to me. It has been overwhelming, and humbling, but I have not been in any shape to reject her loving offers. I know I would do exactly the same for my child. She has given up a lot, and that doesn’t go unnoticed.
Because of my mom, I could go to the hospital every single day.
Because of my mom, I paid for ZERO gas, as she let me use her car.
Because of my mom, supper was made on days that a meal wasn’t brought.
Because of my mom, lunches were packed for the kids.
Because of my mom, day planners were signed.
Because of my mom, reminders were set.
Because of my mom, important conversations were had, hard decisions were talked through, phone calls were made, and research was done.
Because of my mom, I could always talk about my struggles without guilt or tiptoeing.
Because of my mom, I could go to bed early, and she would wrangle the kids getting up instead of me.
Because of my mom, I had three pieces of bacon and a meal replacement drink every single morning, because I couldn’t stomach anything else at all. And, because of my mom, when my appetite raised up slightly, she celebrated, and made me late night grilled cheese.
Because of my mom, I felt so expectations laid on me, and no guilt surrounding that. I was instead given grace and gentleness.
Because of my mom, these last months have been liveable, and worlds apart easier than they ever would’ve been without her. That, my friends, is sacrificial love. We don’t all have the luxury of having a Jeanne in our lives, but we also don’t all have the chance to fill that role for someone else. Hear me when I say, if the time comes when I’m called to be someone’s Jeanne, I will jump, knowing now the difference that can make in someone’s life, healing, grief, tragedy, and everything else.

I could not have done these last 2.5 months without my mom.. My own personal Jeanne 😘
In a world full of whoevers, be a Jeanne.
Well my darling daughter, what can I say about these beautiful words you have written here. One thing for sure, I love being your mom! I am honoured that you want to have a loving relationship with me…..That you and Brady have helped me so readily in my times of need….. That we can freely share our joys and our sorrows together…….. That I’m welcomed in Brady and Your home so lovingly and with such open arms. I’m so blessed to have a permanent spot at the Born family table when I’m around. So blessed that Solly wants to marry me. 😁
I love the hugs and kisses, the talks and prayer times…….and the laughs and tickles.
I love loving you all!
I love loving You, Hailey!
You are so dear to my heart.