Today was easily the biggest day of the move we’ve been helping with! Brady and I spent the morning packing up what I’ve been calling the loose ends. It was all in preparation for the furniture move this evening. While we worked, the kids played in the backyard.

And some played in the house when they got all hot and bothered. Those ones sat in boxes. Lol!

After we had a successful morning of work, we settled at our house for lunch. Chicken wings and KD! I’ve gotta say, Wavy was better at eating wings than I ever would’ve thought.

For the rest of the day, Cher had lovingly volunteered to watch the kids! It was a HUGE gift to us, so Brady and I could both go help together! But truly, it seemed like they had a really lovely time together, too. The kids LOVED their afternoon with Cher!!

We worked together until about 4:30, and then called it to go home and make supper! I had Mississippi Chicken in the crock pot, and a big pot of potatoes peeled, chopped, and waiting. I hacked up some cold veggies when we got home, and mom mashed the potatoes. The nine of us sat down to a really yummy supper together, half the group was soaked from the pool, with muddy feet, and the rest of us were drenched in sweat. But we ate well, got the dishes done, and the kids to bed shortly thereafter.
It was right around suppertime we learned that some of our moving crew had dropped out, and we had to make some changes on the spot! Thankfully, our loving neighbour, Rae, willingly came across the street and spent the evening with the kids, and Cher and I went to my moms to help with the furniture move. What a HUGE relief it was when two members of our crew showed up, and called in reinforcements. You all know who you are. I hope you know how grateful our group is for your group. ❤️
The evening went surprisingly smoothly, with only ONE small casualty, which was at my hand 🙁 Booooo. But alas, our movee is moved!!
As I said, today was the biggest day, for everyone involved. I am so thankful for our people. Thank you Lord!
Me too. So thankful for caring and loving people in our lives. Such a blessing. 💜💜💜💜💜💜