Me: (makes milk, feeds baby)
Solly: (drinks entire bottle)
*five seconds later*
Laela: IIIIIII feed baby Solly! (cries)
Me: (looks at small bowl of chips beside chair) Did you want to feed me, Laela?
Laela: Uuuuummm…Ya! Hahaha!
Me: (passes Laela bowl)
Laela: (shovels chips into my mouth one after the other after the other)
*five chips later*
Laela: Can I have one taste, please?
Me: Sure, Laela. Dekker, you can come have a taste, too. (passes one chip to each kid)
Laela: (continues shovelling chips into my mouth, faster than I can eat them)
Me: Laela! I can’t keep up, hahaha! LAELA! You’re so funny!
Laela: (stares past me, oblivious)
Me: (chokes)
Laela: (shoves chip)
Me: (eats last chip)

I highly recommend this exact system when eating barbecue chips.
sooooooooo cute 🙂
Isn’t she?? Love her! And you. You’re also pretty epic…
you’re pretty great yourself sweetheart 🙂