You guys have probably noticed, but Brady, Carrie, and I really enjoy playing music together. We started leading worship together at church a couple of years ago, and it just worked. In all fairness, we’re all the same age, and went through the youth circuit at the same time. We weren’t all in the same youth group (Brady grew up in Alberta) but the years were the same, and the trends were similar across the board. We generally like the same genres, and we listen/play together pretty smoothly. We’re far from perfect, but we have a lot of fun!
We haven’t had too many “gigs,” but we’ve now played at our car show three times, done one coffeehouse, and recently, we were asked to play at a local staff appreciation event. That last one was our first official gig that we didn’t solicit. Our first paid gig. It was a lot of fun, and people seemed happy to have us, listen to us, and even sing along with us.
We’ve joked a lot about being a “real band” because poor Brady commented once that playing simply one car show does not a “real band” make, and we’ve never let him forget it. We were told to come up with a band name at that first show, so we did, and we liked it! But then no one asked for it and we felt dumb for even having one, hahaha! Then we played car show. Did that qualify us? Maaaaaybe. The coffeehouse seemed to count for something more for him, followed by yet another car show. But someone else asking us to play was a whole other thing. Seeing our band name in the program. I think its a bit more real now! More exciting! But also clear that, if we’re hypothetically going to play shows a bit more often, we’re missing a thing or two. So with the money from our last event, we did a thing.

We got some sound equipment!!!
Its not a full setup, by any means, but its a start 🙂 This would fill out a decent sized venue, and that’s really all we need at this point. Of course, it assumes the venue would already be prepared for sound, in terms of speakers and such. Hopefully over time, we’ll add more moving parts to it, like our own speakers and a few other accessories. But we started small and still managed to get some basic microphones and a mini sound board that covers all we need it to. I’m SO excited!! I hope we get more and more opportunities to play and use it!
Tonight is the first night the three of us will set it up and play/practice together with SOUND! I’m SO looking forward to it!!!