Today was the last ballet day for the season! The girls will take the summer off and then hopefully re-enroll for the fall! Wavy wasn’t able to be at ballet today, but Laela was, and it was a VERY cute scene. It was extra cute because her already small class of four girls was down to two! They were the only two for the first few months of ballet, so it was fun to have them back together as a pair.
Onto the cute pictures! Laela was really feeling herself hahaha! Little dork 🤣

This wrap up was fairly quick and informal, but I really enjoyed it! We got to see their usual exercises and the steps they go through, the songs they dance to, etc.

They danced a portion of more traditional steps, with cute skirts on, different from the expected tutus. Each girl did this routine solo. It was adorable. Laela is surprisingly graceful!

Every participant (in all of the classes) earned a certificate and a medal!

She was STOKED.

We joke, and she goofs, but it was super awesome, and she felt like a rockstar. That girl. My performer. She is going places, and I can’t wait to see where she all lands.