I got an email from our girls ballet teacher today, reminding me that it was “fancy dress” day. It said to wear your favorite dress or costume. Now, two things.
One. I had NO idea it was fancy dress day. Where did we see that?? Ack! Nooooo clue. So good thing I caught it in time.
Two. Neither of my girls chose a dress they actually wear or love. They both went to costumes, and I love that!

They’re total hams, and not especially polished, but goodness they are CUTE!
Good thing for these pictures, because my evening pictures were not so clear, hahaha! But the kids clearly had a lot of fun!

Like last fall, Zak’s brought in some bouncy houses for the kids to play on! We almost missed them, as tomorrow is the last day! These pictures don’t capture much, but I see them capture the speed at which they were racing back into the fun. They had a blast! But then it was positively freezing and Dekker and I took the morsel inside for some warmth. It was fun, and quiet, and relaxed. I got to chat with one of Brady’s colleagues that I’ve never really connected with before, and to catch back up in depth with another employee who rocks a hard exterior but has SUCH a soft spot for children It was nice.
Finally, we left, got supper, and I ran into a couple more stores for a couple more things. We got home late and everyone was grumpy and went straight to bed. Whew!
A bath is running for me, and I am so looking forward to finally warming up. I am cold through and through!
Sleep deep, all I say it now, because I imagine I’ll beat you to dreamland