Back Up

I felt so backed up after yesterdays post. Through comments on here, or on Facebook, or in private messages, I was supported and encouraged by many of you. I feel incredibly supported, and like I could really put it all out there. Thanks guys. Thedailyhailey lives on 😉

I woke up at 4:15 this morning and didn’t fall back to sleep until maybe 6:30. Not my best night, but when I did wake up, it was to the sounds of my kids. I checked the monitor, and found them playing peekaboo through Laela’s crib bars. They played happily together, squealing away, while I dragged myself out of bed, put on some clothes, and clipped my hair back. Upon entering their room, I was greeted by Dekker’s cheery “Hiiiii guuuuuys” which is apparently something I say a lot. I changed them and asked how they slept. Dekker said Laela slept good but that he had dreams. I asked what about and he looked at me coyly before saying “Detter dreamed flosted flates!” So we had frosted flakes for breakfast 🙂

Laela is getting close and closer to crawling everyday, and I cannot WAIT for it to come to that! People love to say how bad things get once a baby can move around on their own, but I’m on my second one, and I know the relief that came from it, so you don’t have to say that stuff to me. I’m really anticipating it, and I know she is too.

The kids were a bit grumpier than usual, so they napped long and were a bit whiny when they were awake. I think we all felt a bit off or overtired today. Hopefully tomorrow is better.


Ok, so completely unrelated to anything, remember Dekkers second birthday? It was sooo much fun, but super casual. Just a large group of people sweating outside, eating ice cream. But we really loved it. Now, Dekker will turn three in like six weeks ish and I haven’t even thought about what to do!! His birthday is on August 21, and Laelas is on September 30. I was thinking of combining but the weather is less predictable in September right? What if we did ice cream again. Would that be fun? Or just the easy way out? It was just a Sunday afternoon thing that people came to after lunch. Does anyone have any opinion in the matter? Combining or not so much, same thing or totally different angle, etc. What would yoooooouuu do?? (Seriously, go reread that birthday posts, even just for the pictures. What a fabulous day!)


I think ppl really like the low key easy-ness of an ice cream birthday party (I do). It’s something most ppl don’t have everyday and it’s great to have in the summer plus there are so many different topping and flavor options there is bound to be something for everyone. Anyways to say that I’m a fan.
And about combining, I think it’s cool especially if you want to do ice cream that way you can do it still during the summer while it’s still really hot and you
Might as well do it now while you can since Laela’s can’t tell you that she wants a Disney princess themed birthday that’s all pink 😉 plus (I don’t know if you’re kid is like this but mine kind of is and we’re workin on it) then you can distract Dekker with opening his presents so he doesn’t feel left out.
Just thought I’d put in my two cents in case they’re worth anything. Happy planning !


Your two cents are definitely worth something! The ice cream party was fabulous, and while I don’t plan to combine their parties for many more years, I figure when they’re little is the time to do it! Thanks for your opinion 🙂 I really enjoyed it, and I think others did too!