Thank you for giving me grace on yesterday’s lacking blog. A good cry is both cleansing and exhausting. I’m still completely beside myself from yesterdays exhaustion, with some fresh added on top.
But, let’s begin.
Yesterday was actually a good day. I was able to spend an hour with Brady, just hanging out, before I was able to attend his first physical therapy session with him at City Hospital. It was very interesting to see a full hour assessment, what he could do, what he couldn’t quite do, and what where they wanted to start. Lots and lots of mobility and sensitivity tests. It was interesting for all of us to see Brady tryyy to make things happen, and while they wouldn’t all be successful, it was clear a lot of the right muscles were waking up. They anticipated only real tests, maybe some sits or stands, but ended up in the gym, on exercise machines, walking between the parallel bars again. I’d have taken video but I was there too, closely following behind with his chair, just in case. Brady was able to do a few controlled squats even before sitting down fully in his chair. HUGE success. He was red and sweaty and happy. One of the therapists kept asking him if he’d had enough, and I could see the twinkle in her eye when she said she didn’t think he would tell her. She might be right.
Thankfully, the day ended with Brady having some good sore happily worked muscles, and I’m happy to report he isn’t sore today at all! So he didn’t even overdo it! Woot!
At the end of the afternoon, I learned that someone had graciously purchased us a month long parking pass. That saves me a LOT of dollars! Thank you, friend.
I came home, ate good food with my family, dropped off by a friend who took my laundry along with her, and then I proceeded to have a big ugly gigantic cry in my bathtub. A hard end to a hard day in a series of the hardest days of our lives.
Today, being a weekend, is a day without any therapies for Brady. We snuggled up on his bed together and snuggled, chatted about the days before and the days to come. We looked at pictures and talked about things he might need while he staying at the hospital. After about an hour, we took him out of the ward in search of vending machines and the basement cafe. Not because anyone needed anything, but just to know what his options are in terms of outings and treats, if the ones I bring him run out. It was fun to go on an adventure together, as small as it may have been.

I sat with him while he had his lunch, and then said goodbye. And then bawled all the way home. Because, routine, lol!
The times are hard, but the days themselves are good. Adrenaline pumps and pumps, and I bawl when I get home. I am SO grateful that Brady is so comfy and settled where he is. I just wish he were home with us.