Back to the Eye Appointments

Today, Brady and I had our yearly eye appointments, and we brought the babies along. One had an appointment as well, and the others were just there as eye candy. It was a really special appointment in lots of ways. We hadn’t seen our eye doctor in a while, as she had been on maternity leave. I had run into her completely spontaneously very freshly after delivery, and it was a pretty sweet moment for us. She mentioned it to me and was very soft as she reminisced. It just felt like a soft appointment.

Then, after, as I chose my frames, and we selected glasses for our newly bespectacled baby, there were more soft conversations surrounding fostering and illness. Tears were shed and they were not all mine. It was special.

Now, as the day finally winds down, I am beyond exhausted. But. The day was productive and carried with it much kindness. Thank you, Lord.

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