Back at the Camp Game!

Whew! School may still be going, but we are back into the camp scene already! So as I sit here, with right now NO CHILDREN around me, I can do all the worky stuff that needs doing. And right now, the name of the game is organizing!

As the babies sleep (some still, and some again) the lists are being made. I’ve meal planned. I have made and printed off a packing list for the kids. I have a grocery list for Costco, with an item or two to pick up at Wholesale Club and Walmart. I MUST find more of our baby formula, which has proven to be a challenge, but I’ve done a little calling. May have to expand the search to PA on Friday.

We need propane, also. Still haven’t found our way there. It is just SO much cheaper at Costco, its hard to justify getting it anywhere else!

I need to remind the kids to get their laundry done today or tomorrow.

I think I might take the kids to get some groceries after school. Then I have a second cart pusher and can get ALL the food plus diapers, lol!

Meanwhile, on top of all of this, I’ve been in contact with multiple social workers, making plans with one, talking about expenses with another, and yet another about how (if at all possible) to support the mother of one of our babies. It has been a FULL morning.

But I mean, its already 9:30 so I should expect nothing less 🤣
