We came home from the lake to a dryer that didn’t dry anymore. It could have come at a better time, but also, is there ever really a convenient time for one of your major appliances to cave? The answer is “no.”
In trying to start up the lake laundry to get us into the next work week, we realized that things were absolutely not working well at all. Or just not working at all at all. Brady and I set to the task of figuring out what was going on.

We checked all connections and vents. They were decently dirty, but when the dryer didn’t rally, we figured there was likely a sensor or a fuse that had given out. The task became much larger at that point.

We checked everything we could without removing absolutely every scary unfamiliar thing. But it was clear the issue was further in there. So, with YouTube’s help, Brady got it.

I was a supportive cast member at this point…

As was Cher, but I unfortunately have no photographic proof. Sorry, Cher!!
It ended up being an ok way to spend the evening. We watched some shows and Brady had a super positive attitude about diagnosing our issue.
Aaaaand he found it.

The heating element was completely pooched, broken it at least two spots.
So thankfully, we had our answer! Brady worked SO hard and get everything bad organized into the laundry closet, and then SAT for a few minutes!
Believe it or not, no, he was not electrocuted, lol!

Looks a bit like it, though! Lol! 😘
The next day, Brady was in Saskatoon for a doctors appointment, and picked up a new element for our dryer. At $240, it felt a bit stupid, and like we may as well get a new dryer, but it included all new fuses and sensors, and all the other possibilities of what could have been wrong, so it basically is a new dryer.
All is assembled now, and laundry has been running all day 🙂 I am SO grateful for a husband who is willing and happy to jump into hard work, even when its new and intimidating. With a happy heart!!! 💜 I sure love you, Brady!! Thank you for ALL you do for us!