When the Dryer Tanks

We came home from the lake to a dryer that didn’t dry anymore. It could have come at a better time, but also, is there ever really a convenient time for one of your major appliances to cave? The answer is “no.”

In trying to start up the lake laundry to get us into the next work week, we realized that things were absolutely not working well at all. Or just not working at all at all. Brady and I set to the task of figuring out what was going on.

We checked all connections and vents. They were decently dirty, but when the dryer didn’t rally, we figured there was likely a sensor or a fuse that had given out. The task became much larger at that point.

We checked everything we could without removing absolutely every scary unfamiliar thing. But it was clear the issue was further in there. So, with YouTube’s help, Brady got it.

I was a supportive cast member at this point…

As was Cher, but I unfortunately have no photographic proof. Sorry, Cher!!

It ended up being an ok way to spend the evening. We watched some shows and Brady had a super positive attitude about diagnosing our issue.

Aaaaand he found it.

The heating element was completely pooched, broken it at least two spots.

So thankfully, we had our answer! Brady worked SO hard and get everything bad organized into the laundry closet, and then SAT for a few minutes!

Believe it or not, no, he was not electrocuted, lol!

Looks a bit like it, though! Lol! 😘

The next day, Brady was in Saskatoon for a doctors appointment, and picked up a new element for our dryer. At $240, it felt a bit stupid, and like we may as well get a new dryer, but it included all new fuses and sensors, and all the other possibilities of what could have been wrong, so it basically is a new dryer.

All is assembled now, and laundry has been running all day 🙂 I am SO grateful for a husband who is willing and happy to jump into hard work, even when its new and intimidating. With a happy heart!!! 💜 I sure love you, Brady!! Thank you for ALL you do for us!

Dekker’s Birthday Party

I haven’t showed you much about Dekker’s actual birth day because loading pictures and working on long blogs at the lake is tough. But I’m home now with good wifi! So here I am with pictures!

It was a VERY cute day. If we’re being honest, Dekker’s priority was food. He wanted a big savoury breakfast, and he got it.

As well as decorations, thanks to grandma!

We hit the beach after we ate, and while Dekker doesn’t care to be in the water too much, it was still a super beautiful time of kayaking, paddleboarding, and spending time together 💜

We lunched on the beach, and then went back to the camper for some quiet time. Dekker and Laela went to play cards at grandmas for a bit, which they really enjoyed! No pictures for proof, but it happened!

Presents was a definite win! Dekker hauled in some candy, an air pump, a date with grandma (to be used in the very near future), slime, a charging moon lamp from auntie, and robotics to build.

He was not disappointed.

The evening brought on Dekker’s supper he has been pining for. If you can hear us all saying it in our deepest voices possible – steak at the laaaaake.

Steak and the lake entailed steak with blue cheese crumbled on top, with garlic toast and caesar salad on the side. And some root beer for the birthday boy!

For the kids who didn’t want steak, they had the sides, as well as some macaroni salad and whatever leftovers looked good out of the fridge.

It was a beautiful evening 💜

Dekker had chosen a tuxedo cake, because he’s fancy, lol! He wanted to light his own candles, so he did that, too. No surprises in this family, lol! We’ve had enough surprises!

While we sang to him, Rowan burst in with a big hug…

And it turned into a group hug!! 💜

And it ended in tears, because what group hug doesn’t? 😆

As much as supper was a huge success, Dekker wanted to go in and see if his moon lamp had charged. Spoiler alert. It had.

Believe it or not, he was into it. Lol!

Post bedtime, Brady and I took Dekker for a golf cart ride, just the three of us.

It was absolute precious time, where I got to have my arm around him, hold him super close, and to really let him know how loved he is.

We went all the way to Bell’s Beach and enjoyed the dark end of the sunset.

The birthday boy was adequately exhausted when it was time to go to bed, save for the moment he poked his little head out the camper door, concerned about the cans he had collected during the golf cart ride. Once they were all tucked in safely, he was, and he was easily asleep.

The day was a huge success 💜 I know firsthand that Dekker felt loved, wanted, and cared for. Who could ask for anything more?

Thank you, Lord, for beautiful Dekker Thomas.

The Nine of Us

It was an incredibly precious stretch of lake time this last weekend. We had the pleasure to have both my mom and Cher join us! Our lovely Dahlsjo’s weren’t around as much this weekend, which was definitely the missing piece, but we had a few chances to see them still 💜 Beyond the company, it was one of the last hot weekends of the season. The weather was warm and lovely in the day, and then crisped up in the evening. It was perfect in just about every way! Thank you Lord!!! 

We’re on our way home now, all appropriately exhausted and content. It’s overcast out, with light moments of rain here and there. Soon, we’ll be home, and the chaos will begin again, with unpacking, laundry, supper, and baths! It is always worth the work, though, to get there and get back into regular life, and back again. I wouldn’t trade these experiences. 

Only a few more weeks to go!! 😅 

Dekker Turns Eleven

Master Dekker turned eleven today. Early early this morning, in fact. He is already eleven. 

I became a mom because of this boy. He has grown and changed so much in the last eleven years, and I have truly enjoyed knowing him through each stage, whether struggly or victorious. 

Dekker loves to read. He has been doing a reading challenge over the year, just for fun. He’s read so many books and retains it all. He loves to kayak and tie knots, make pulleys, etc. He has been collecting cans all summer in hopes of purchasing a bigger ticket item for himself, and he has maintained his “job” around the camp every weekend. He is diligent and responsible. 

Dekker is also at the age where he really wants to just hang with the adults. He wants to understand the humor and the references. He wants to eat different food and stay up late. He wants to relate. And he’s getting there 💜 A little too quickly, perhaps. 

As Dekker makes his way into the last year of his elementary school experience, I will continue to carry him in prayer, for his current life and his future endeavours. He is an INCREDIBLE boy, I can hardly even imagine what kind of man he will be 🥰 

I love you, Dekker Thomas. Happy birthday, sweet boy. 

Dekkers Shorts

Yesterday, I messed up my shorts good and proper. I washed them in the sink and hung them out on the deck to dry overnight. Thanks to the humidity, however, they were still sopping wet in the morning. I went back to my bag for a different pair, and was greeted rudely by the bottom of my bag. My shortsless bag. 

So my options were to either wear black leggings on a day with a heat warning, or…

I could wear Dekkers. 

This was a first. What I can tell you is that youth boys shorts were not made for a woman’s body. Zero percent. They did not accommodate for any hip, and then I had crotch bunch. But, standing, I could pull them off pretty well! 

Dekker agreed 😆 

He thought it was hilarious. We all did. And those things got me through the morning, as the heat showed up and dried my jean shorts all up. 

I’m very grateful for my goofy oldest boy who isn’t embarrassed of me. Yet 😘

Grandma Arrived

Today was too beautiful to pause to blog. Forgive me 💜 and enjoy the picture show. 

It was loaded with blue skies, paddle boarding, swimming, ring pops, snuggles, water, food, crocheting, golf cart rides, friends, and grandma! We celebrated Waverly paddle boarding on her own, and Rowan getting back on the water 💜

The day wrapped with a beautiful sunset and some smoochie snuggles with Solly.Who could ask for anything more? 😍

Five Years

This weekend is about being together with people we love, and celebrating our dear Dekkers eleventh birthday 💜 There is much fun to be had, much good food to eat, and so many memories to build! 

Today, however, I remember Jamin 💙 We had such a short time together. There is trauma there, but I can say with honesty that his birth was a terribly important event, and with it, I learned so much and changed as a person. There is sorrow around his birth and death, and there are also many soft, warm memories. I will not forget that days details for a long, long time. 

Thank you Lord for giving us Jamin. His life changed the course of mine. For him, I praise the Lord. 

Brady’s Eighth MRI

Brady has clocked enough MRIs in the last year and a half that I actually have to look back on the blog to know what number he’s on.

Monday held MRI #8. EIGHT. I think I say it every time, but it was SO hard to get that first scan, and now they give them out like candy! To Brady, anyway. I know not everyone is so fortunate. We are incredibly grateful for the level of care he has received, and that his spine is being diligently assessed, every four-ish months.

We are also incredibly grateful to have a family doctor who we can text, and she will ride e-health on Brady’s behalf, giving us his results the moment they become available.

Monday afternoon was Brady’s scan. And Tuesday morning, we heard from Dr. Guselle!

First, we had a GOOD laugh. It was noted that Brady has mad inflammation and a possible ear infection 😆 Yes, the ear infection and sickness he’s been battling for a month or more. We giggled that even the radiologist who interpreted Brady’s MRI was concerned about it. Aaaaanyway. That was a giggle. I’ll fill you in more on that as we know more. Two ENT appointments on the books. To be continued.

However, for the main event. Brady’s spine. Where his tumour was. Thats the whole point of these scans. We praise God for another report of a clear, tumour-free spine. As far as can be seen, nothing has regrown, and we celebrate yet another victory that is ALL God.

Do you remember that pesky spot that was watched so closely in all his scans? The one that the radiologist suggested might be gone at the last scan?

Its still gone 💜

Of course, because of Brady’s fairly severe malignancy diagnosis, they will continue to scan regularly, believing he will always battle sick cancer cells in this area of his body. We choose to anticipate God’s will being done, regardless of how that looks. Whether there are sick cancer cells in there or not, there is nothing to see, so we are very joyful about that! No matter what happens, we praise God, and we trust God!

Thank you, Lord, for bringing us through such bizarre, brutal, beautiful trials.

Waverly’s First Sleepover

So this story comes from a couple of weeks ago, actually, but its too cute to not share with you all!

Wavy has made a very good friend this summer. Our sweet Dahlsjos dote on Wavy left, right, and centre, but she has taken a very strong liking to Sadie. And while it may be a different kind of “friendship” on Sadie’s end of things with the ten year age difference, I’m confident she is also very fond of Wavy!

As the summer has wore on, these two are quite attached at the hip. Its been really really sweet to witness, and I am so appreciative of Sadie’s patience and love for Wavy.

During the week where most kids were at camp, Wavy asked if she could sleep in Sadie’s camper. And they said she could! 💜 Wavy’s FIRST sleepover!!

Sadie was a total rockstar, helped her get ready for bed, got her all settled, and she was asleep before 9pm. The reports the next morning were my favorite parts 💜

Wavy woke up every couple of hours, giggled a little to herself, and then fell back to sleep 💜 She must’ve really loved waking up beside her closest friend!

But the midnight wakeup was the best one.

As the story goes, Wavy woke Sadie up, and sleepily told her “I love you so much.” Sadie told her she was sweet, and that she loved her, too. Wavy then asked her “If you have a dream where I tickle your ear, can you tell me?” A super odd request, but Sadie confirmed she would, in fact, tell Wavy if she had that very specific dream. Wavy thanked her profusely before falling back to sleep 💜

These two 💜💜 I can’t help but feel that Wavy might be a little lost without Sadie come September.

I have always felt very honoured when people who don’t have to invest in our children choose to. And she chooses to invest in our children, always teasing me a little as she reassures me that she wants to 💜

We love the entire Dahlsjo family dearly, and they love us, too. It is an incredibly special bond we’re growing. But this particular pair is important to single out 💜

Waverly’s first sleepover could not have been sweeter. Thank you, Sadie lady. We appreciate you 💜

A Very Big First Day Home

We came home from the lake a day earlier than usual to make an appointment today. We used our extra time yesterday to get a bunch of impending doom stuff done. I put together a massive school supply list and ordered as much as I could online. And already this morning, it was ready for pickup!

So, while Brady lay in his eighth MRI 🤮 I went to Staples and picked up the massive order of supplies for the upcoming school year! Then, I moseyed on over to Walmart to try and find the rest of the items that were sold out at Staples.

Full disclosure. Walmart was FULL of people and EMPTY of absolutely everything else. I was very discouraged and overwhelmed in Walmart. To credit myself just a tad, normally I am quite stuck and numb during Brady’s scans. This was the first time I actually attempted to do something while he was in.

So I picked up at Staples.

I attempted Walmart.

I attempted Dollarama.

And then I decided I was grateful that I brought crocheting as a backup.

Its almost like I know me or something.

I enjoyed the last chunk of my time crocheting in my car, with happy music playing. And all of a sudden, Brady texted that he was out. I dumped my crocheting into the passengers seat and hauled out of there to go pick him up from St. Pauls Hospital.

Results are pending. Waiting is hard. But we pray with expectation that God will do His perfect will.