Hot and Cold, in a Good Way

It is one of the last weekends at the lake. Not quite the last. But close. 

It is that beautiful time of year where the days are HOT but the nights cool way off. It’s almost perfect. 

After a relatively peaceful night, we had bfast around the fire and headed to the beach. It was shady and chilly, but knowing the impending heat warning of the afternoon, we soaked the cool air in. 

But the afternoon has not left us disappointed. It’s 30C and rising. The beach is littered with children, and the water is full of floaties and kayaks.

(Side note about kayaks!! Dekker has been saving cans all summer to be able to buy a full sized kayak! Anyone who wants to donate to her m, please let me know and I’d be happy to orchestrate him coming and picking up your recycling!) 

In other news that doesn’t even need to be voiced… 

I will REALLY miss this place when the season is over 💜 This is such an oasis for me and my family. We praise God for it absolutely all the time. 

First Day of School 2022: How Was It?

The first day of school was a success!

Dekker was very happy with his teacher, and the friends he has in his class! He is missing one of his closest friends, which is disappointing to both of them, but he is still a very happy camper in the class he ended up in. His single beef is that he is not allowed to put a lock on his locker. He maintains the grade six kids were allowed to lock their lockers last year, and he’s disappointed that he isn’t allowed. I don’t know one way or another confidently, but I imagine it may happen later in the year, and maybe just not on the first day. We’ll see.

Laela was VERY happy to be back at school. She was excited to have been picked to pass out papers to everyone and be helpful. Her current desk clump is full of people she really likes, and she was excited about the new kids, too. Her class is even taking some time today to enjoy the spray park before it closes for the season. Lots of wins for that girl yesterday.

Rowan was so happy to see his friends again. That was his biggest win, for sure. He is a very social guy, so he was super happy to be back in the group of kids, as well as playing on the saucer swings. He LOVES the saucer swings. He didn’t talk too much about class itself, but he did say he is going to get to use the computer lab this year, which he is really, really excited about!

Solomon loves his teacher, and so do I! I admit, his teacher is the only one I actually really know know. Solly is our third child that she’s taught. ALL the boys. And she is incredible. Solly felt super comfortable and happy at school, but didn’t have much to say about his first day. I’m not too surprised. Those first days are whirlwinds, and I imagine a handful of things went over his head, haha! Still, it was a success, and I have zero worries for Sol in his class.

Everyone came home with mountains of paperwork that I needed to complete, requests for different things they need, and homework (already!) that they needed my help with! Ack! I did everything they brought to me, and when Brady got home, I took a break upstairs. Because that was a LOT. But its done now! Win!

It was a totally successful day 💜 I’m very happy with how the day went and I know the kids are, too. I hope today is just as good for them!

Hitting the lake after work today!

First Day of School 2022

Yes, folks! You have likely picked up on the fact that school is back in session! Today is the first day of having FOUR kids in FULL TIME school!!! ACK! Wavy will join in part-time preschool in a few weeks. Though she could not be left out of this post, of course.

So, in order of who was ready for school first, here are my beautiful students!

Solomon is first! Going into grade one! He tends to feel about school however those around him feel 😂 Today he seemed neutral about getting back into school but he was excited at all the excitement, hahaha!

Rowan is next! Grade two! He is nervous about school. He struggles with change, and while he’s been doing pretty well with his temper and behaviour in the recent past, I think he is nervous to adapt to a new routine. But he was upbeat and positive and ready to go without issue!

Dekkers up third! Grade SIX!!! He’s gotten a bit grumpy over this summer, so he was not looking forward to school starting at all. Yet, he is an incredibly delightful, respectful, obedient boy, and it is NOT a struggle to get him to go to school. I am very fortunate in that way. He is a very good sport.

Wavy made it out the door next! She is not starting school yet, but she is absolutely part of the kids, and needed to be included!

Laela was the last one out the door today, brushing her teeth and getting the bathroom last! She is entering grade four! She is AMPED for school! My little keener who cannot get enough of school! She is a very happy camper this morning, and thats a good thing, because her backpack is bigger than ANYONES!

Ugh. I cannot believe so many of them are in school. I LOVE these kids! I am terribly excited for routine, but a large part of me will really miss having these little ones home more 💜💜💜💜💜

We found everyone’s doors and classrooms, and dropped them all off on time! Each child goes through a different door 😅 But we got them there!

Brady was able to go into work a couple of hours later today so he could join us. Leaving the house, he looked like a schoolboy as well, so we went with it, hahaha!

Aaaaand that leaves me and Waverly at home to our own devices! Today, that means puzzles, the Encanto soundtrack, and crocheting.

I won’t lie. My anxiety is higher than average these days. There is a LOT to mentally sort out with school and the lake and trying to fit in absolutely every little thing. Brady moved to full time the moment it was September, so he is working his first Friday tomorrow. Lots and lots of adapting these days, but I will continue to do my very best to stay afloat! I imagine once it all settles in, I will LOVE the days and fill them with beautiful things where I feel fulfilled and rested and productive. Thats the goal, anyway.

But today is the first day of the new season! And that is an exciting thing! I’m looking forward to learning what God has in store! 💜

Split Attention Between Big Things

Tomorrow is the first day of school for FOUR of the kids! Ack! Its such a bizarre season of life. Foolishly, I didn’t picture having so many kids in school so soon with only one left at home. Brady and I have talked about this season for years. Its an odd time. With school also comes Brady moving to full time work, and Cher heading back to university.

Also, we’re still rocking camp on the weekends! So while I was stuffing backpacks with an unbelievable amount of school supplies this afternoon, I was also making shopping lists for the weekend and packing kids clothes.

My brain is in every direction. But thats ok. We will absolutely come through it on top! Good thing I have a couple of old men to help me!

Tomorrow is school. Friday morning, Cher is coming before school so I can drive Brady to work. Then school, and packing the van, prepping, etc. And then driving to pick Brady up after work. And to the lake.

What. A. Season!

Have a great last day of summer holidays, those of you who got them 💜 I feel very fortunate to have lived the summer I have. Thank you, Lord.

Brady’s Commuter

Admit it. You read “computer” first, didn’t you? Well. I did, and I’m the one who wrote “commuter.”


Brady is in search of a vehicle to take him to and from work! He’s been using our bus, which has worked great, but also has left me vehicle-free. Up to this point, that’s been fine, but it won’t be forever. It leaves me unable to get anything done out of the house during regular work hours. It leaves me unable to drive kids to school if weather isn’t favourable. It leaves me in a bind in case of an emergency. Meanwhile, it costs a lot more in gas than your average vehicle, and while Brady’s work is not too terribly far from home, it could cost less to drive.

Brady is in the market for something specific. Ish. There is play in his plan, but here’s what we’ve got so far.

We are looking for a minivan. Our ideal is something along the lines of your standard Dodge caravan. The key features are the dual sliding doors and the stow-and-go seating. This would mean he could open his driver’s side door, have the sliding door open on his side, and he could pull out his fully assembled wheelchair out from right behind his seat. Does that make sense? He wouldn’t have to venture around to the back of the vehicle, nor would he have to collapse his chair every single day.

This would REALLY help in winter, getting in and out of the van, into work, on the ice. While you and I can step gingerly and anticipate ice underneath, he cannot. If Brady could get this type of vehicle, he could literally have his chair in front of him without his feet having touched the ground. It would easily be the safest option for him.

On top of the purchase of this vehicle, we need to have hand controls installed. That alone costs about 2K.

Brady was able to sell his work van in August. We were SO grateful!!! We didn’t get a lot from the sale, but he made a few grand to put towards something new to us 🙂

For those who might wonder, who might have a lead on something for us, we are ideally looking for something in the 5-6K range. I know thats not a lot, but it doesn’t have to be fancy either. It just needs to drive to Warman and back one million times.

So there you go. Our eyes are open for our latest need, and we’re asking around to see if anyone knows anyone who is selling or thinking about selling their van!

Thank you, all, for keeping your eyes peeled for us! 💜

Another Tv Thing…

After Telemiracle happened, Brady was contacted by a local production company. They wanted to discuss featuring Brady and our family on an episode of one of their shows. We hemmed and hawed, but not for too terribly long, because we all feel like Brady’s paraplegia is an opportunity to encourage positive change and give hope. We both felt compelled to take this offer, so he said yes!

A couple of weeks ago, the camera people met Brady at his work, and shot some footage of him there, doing his thing, in his element. It was pretty quick and seamless. Today was a bigger undertaking, for sure, but I’m happy and relieved to say that I think it went well!

We had their crew in our home from 9:30 until about 1:30 ish. We played outside for a good while all together, biking in the street. When we came inside, they set up all their cameras and lights, and the kids and I skedaddled downstairs and talked in whispers for the next hour while Brady was interviewed. Then, we switched spots and he came down to oversee everyone while I had a shorty interview, too. It was fun and easy. And the kids were SO GOOD. They were calm and quiet, and with just a little bit of reminding!

We finished up the interviews, and then everyone came downstairs just to gather some footage of the family playing in the basement. Everyone built or puzzled or snuggled. It was a lot of fun, and the basement was trash after, hahaha! But it was worth it.

Brady and I put together bacon grilled cheese buns and cucumber salad for lunch, and everyone sat to eat. The camera crew ducked out and ate for a few minutes, but came in to get a few shots of us all eating.

Once all of that was over, they wanted a few minutes of Brady and I just being us. So he noodled on the guitar while I crocheted beside him. It was really, really nice. We could’ve done that all day.

There were other things. They got a TON of footage and we covered a million and a half topics of conversation. It was a FULL few hours, but it wasn’t hard. The kids were amazingly patient and cooperative. The crew of people were lovely, funny, and easy to have around. I didn’t feel judged or examined. It was very comfortable.

All of that to say, as soon as they left, we tucked into bed and rested for an hour or so. Because goodness, being ON that way is kind of exhausting! Hahaha!

It was a lovely day, all things considered 💜 Both Brady and I are excited to be part of beautiful things, and this is one of those things! What an opportunity to spread hope in the midst of trial! We love it!

The day will wrap up with pizza with our closest people! What a treat! Another thing to be grateful for!


I’ll let you know when the show airs. It feels silly to even say that. But I will. It streams online, so anyone can watch 🙂

Wrapping August at Camp

Our last day of lake time in August. I don’t feel ready to see it go. Yet I am definitely ready to stumble into our fall routine, so I’m grateful to take it on and see what comes with it!

Last night was filled with rain, making our morning fire an extra challenge, but it did finally happen!!

Waverly was still mostly asleep when it was time to wake up, but it didn’t take long to get her all on our level!

Our dear Dahlsjos joined us for the s’morening. We have barely seen Piper in the last month or more, so it was a real treat to have her back with us 💜

The rest of those kids are also pretty much awesome. We sure love that family!

We had limited time at our spot this weekend, so we filled it in the best way we possibly could, and hauled everyone down to the water to take in the wind and rain. Tug of wars ensued. Treats were enjoyed. Lots and lots of snuggles for the little, chilly ones.

Finally, it was time to wrap it up. Brady and I went back to the camper to pack and clean up, and all the kids went to the ark park. The older Dahlsjo girls are SO loving to our younger kids, and often, happily look after them, include them in their things, and by default, really help Brady and I out 💜 We are SO grateful.

Today’s method of time spending was gaga ball!

Wavy had never played before, and definitely didn’t follow every rule, and NO ONE got after her. It was really, really lovely. It was extra sad to leave today. It felt like we didn’t have enough time. Ugh.

We drove home, stopping in PA for some staple groceries to get us through a couple of days, and some yarn, because I have a problem. (Luxury Christmas blankets, anyone?)
Forgot Walmart didn’t do bags anymore.

Came home. Ate supper. Did baths.

It’s gonna be yet another gigantic week, but we eagerly anticipate the next time we get to spend with our friends! 💜 Assuming harvest allows for it!!

Behold 🙌 The absolute COOLEST kids! 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

This summer is a beautiful time to remember 💜 I will miss these weekends.

The Last Weekend Before

We are on the road to the lake for the last time before school starts. It’s bittersweet, for sure. But the season isn’t over just yet, and we plan to be back out a couple of times before we wrap up! Fall camping is some of the best!! 

This will be a shorter weekend, but that’s ok. We’re grateful for whatever lake time we can get! Luckily, we all also love the drive! 

At least in our home, there is much change afoot, most of which is very positive and happy! But adjustments nonetheless. 

Enjoy this weekend, friends, before so much changes again 💜

Disclaimer: Mention of Christmas

It is four months until Christmas. And trust me, I know its too early to talk about it. But specifically, I want to talk about the homemade gift exchange I’ve organized for the last couple of years.

Firstly, I’ll say I still really want to do it! I love organizing it, being on the inside of who is making what for who, and watching people meet other people. Its FUN! Unfortunately, there are a couple of hangups that have been eating at me, and its clear there needs to be change in a few areas. Please bear with me. I fear, by making new stipulations, I will lose people. But maybe a smaller group of more dedicated people would be ok. I’m not sure, and I’d like to hear from you!

One odd thing I’ve noticed is that some people never ever acknowledge the exchange. They’re “in” it, but they never post a picture of what they receive, or thank the giver. This isn’t a rule, per se, but I’d call it common courtesy. People put an immense amount of work into the gifts they make for the recipient, and I’ve personally had people message me, quite discouraged and worried that their person didn’t like their gift. It’s a tough spot to be in for everyone, and I’d like that to be different. A commitment to share with the group and show gratitude.

I think I’d also ask everyone to put in a small card or something, just so the recipient actually knows where their gift is coming from.

Lastly, the biggest struggle – the main reason I’m considering scrapping the homemade gift exchange altogether.

Last year was the first time someone did not get a gift. I am more than understanding that life happens, and stuff just gets missed sometimes. There were NEVER any hard feelings. EVER. The system of the gift exchange is that you are on the hook for a $25 Visa gift card if you end up not making a gift. Everyone agrees to this upon signing up for the exchange. And last year, when someone was missed, I sent them a warm message, inquiring if they were alright, if the gift was maybe still on its way, etc. Nothing but grace. A friend I considered quite dear to me never replied, and promptly blocked me. I actually lost a friend over this, which was quite devastating.

And the person – my mom – didn’t get a gift. If you know my mom, you know she wasn’t angry or upset, but I was. For sure. So there has to be some insurance that this kind of thing does not happen again.

I am aware that this exchange is just a little thing, but I really enjoy it, and I know there are others who do, too. But I can only control everything. I would really love to know what you guys think.

Do I impose a $5 entry fee, just to cover my butt if someone else bails? Do I require updates? I don’t want to micromanage anyone or anything, but last season shook me up a little.

I’ll be posting this publicly, as always, as well as in the Homemade Gift Exchange group. If you have feedback or interest, get in touch, friends!