It was a very cute morning. Apparently, pre-covid, there used to be an all-day soccer tournament for grades five and six. When it was happening, none of my kids were that age, and then it stopped for a couple of years. Now, suddenly, Dekker has an all-day soccer tournament! Lol! News to me, but that was today!
I will admit that I completely missed the memo that it was an event to go watch! I was tipped off late yesterday evening, and I confirmed with Dekker this morning that, yes, people were welcome to attend. See, Dekker doesn’t care for sports. Its just not his jam. So he was not at all looking forward to the day, and therefore didn’t react in a “Hey, its going to be so much fun! You should come watch!” kind of way. And thats ok. He was happy about it when I told him Wavy and I would be coming, and bringing grandma. The $5 for the concession stand gained a bigger smile, though, lol!
So with all of that being said, Dekker is amazing. He found this beautiful balance where he would run off the field to sub, and he would come and snuggle Wavy, chat for a sec, and then rejoin his friends, and then go back to the game. He hit every mark every time. I was SO impressed. He loves Wavy so much and it really showed. And she loves his too! She waved and yelled for him multiple times! “Dekker I yike your shirt!”

He is NOT ashamed to love his little sister. I love that so much.

The unprompted smooch that absolutely MELTED my heart 💜

She tried to bite his nose, lol!

I was also incredibly proud of his determination and drive. As I said, he doesn’t care for sports. But he knew where to be and how to play, and he ran and ran and ran. He played defence, and he did really, really well! He wasn’t afraid to get in the way of the other player running, or to follow the gang up the field. One particular game, he only got called out to sub once, and within ten seconds, someone got hurt and he had to go back out. He was beat, but he ran and played and did his absolute best. I am SO proud of how hard he works, even when he truly isn’t invested.

Three games later, Dekker took off with his buddies for cheeseburgers, and mom took Wavy and I home for lunch. Wavy napped, and I had a bath to try to warm up, because brrrrr!

I am not firing on all cylinders at the moment so I think I’m going to push homework off until tomorrow and soak up some lego and music time this afternoon. Kids will be home soon 💜

We could all use a little letdown after a long week.